During a speech in Philadelphia where President Biden introduced his budget proposal, he made a quick reference to Donald Trump and then just as quickly dismissed him.
The crowd jeered at the mention of the twice-impeached president; you’d think he had invoked the name of the Antichrist or the Dallas Cowboys’ quarterback.
“I had a big fight with the former president, and maybe future president,” Biden said at the event in Philadelphia, referring to the 2020 election battle.
“Bless me father,” Biden said, then made the sign of the cross.
As a progressive who treasures the separation of church and state, I instinctively feel like giving Biden the finger whenever he makes the sign of the cross.
But I will forgive Biden’s venial sin of making a religious symbol, because I appreciate the way he summarily dispatched the execrable Republican frontrunner.
It’s axiomatic that Trump is an evil sociopath. if you’re a Catholic you don’t have to deliver a sermon detailing the myriad ways he is evil incarnate, you can simply dismiss him by making the sign of the cross.
The sign of the cross is universally understood by Catholics and fans of horror flicks as a sure-fire way of dispatching the devil to hell where he belongs.
Biden should follow this template if he runs for reelection: make fleeting references to Trump and then devote his stump speeches to policy issues.