President DonaldTrump on Sunday participated in the opening of the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology in the Mecca for extremist ideology, Saudi Arabia. The kingdom`s major export after oil is radical Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia funds madrassas (religious schools that teach hatred toward Israel and the United States) in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and even in the United States.
Donald Trump, Egypt`s president Abdel al-Sisi, and Saudi Arabia`s Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud hovered over a glowing orb. When the men placed their hands on the mysterious orb, a runway lit up, revealing men (women may be allowed to polish the glowing orb but they aren`t allowed to work in the Center) and computers in cubicles.
The center will monitor extremist activity online, and the men in the cubicles will probably encourage radial Islamic propaganda online, while Saudi leaders publicly denounce ISIS.
You don`t need a glowing crystal ball to foretell that the Saudis will continue to finance international terrorism. Shame on Trump for participating in this farce.
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