“President Donald Trump has requested the border wall, one of his signature campaign promises, be painted black, a proposal that could cost hundreds of millions of dollars, according to a new report.
The Washington Post reported Wednesday Trump had ordered the border wall to be painted black in order to make it look more imposing and to make it too hot to touch during the summer.
According to estimates obtained by the Post, the cost of painting the wall black would range from $500 million for acrylic paint to over $3 billion for a powder coating on the wall.
USA Today
Nero fiddled while Rome burned and if it weren’t political suicide Trump would be golfing while the coronavirus pandemic destroys our economy and kills tens of thousands of Americans.
Since he can’t indulge in his favorite pastime the stable genius is pondering painting the border wall black to make it look more imposing and to make it too hot to touch during the summer.
At a time then millions of Americans are jobless and struggling to pay the rent Trump wants to waste millions, perhaps billions, to paint the border wall black. That money would be better spent providing food, medicine and clothing to the needy.
To those running away from persecution in their countries and seeking a better life in America, it doesn’t matter if the wall is black, silver or neon pink. They will climb over the wall, or tunnel under it, regardless of the damn color of the obstacle that’s keeping them from the land of freedom and opportunity.
I’m reminded of the song “Paint it Black” by one of Trump’s favorite rock bands, The Rolling Stones:
I look inside myself and see my heart is black
I see my red door, I must have it painted black
Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts
It’s not easy facing up, when your whole world is black
Trump, your heart is pitch black and I’m not surprised you want to paint everything black, but your days are numbered. The black cloud that hovers over America will disappear when we kick you out of office.