A research published by the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion found that states with a higher percentage of evangelical Protestants or biblical literalists tended to have a higher proportion of Google searches for “porn.”
This should come as no surprise to anyone with even a nodding acquaintance with evangelicals, hypocrisy is an essential component of evangelicalism. The lure of our sex-saturated culture is impossible for evangelicals to resist, they loudly decry sexual sins while they indulge in adultery, pornography and every other sexual discretion in secret.
Evangelicals are the biggest consumers of online pornography; they are more familiar with PornHub.Com and YouPorn.Com than they are with the most popular evangelical websites. They are more likely to exclaim “Jesus” after climaxing to a porn video than they are to shout out the name of the Lord in response to a sermon from their pastor.
Girl-on-girl porn is by far the most popular genre of pornography with male and female consumers, and no doubt evangelicals who never miss an opportunity to demonize gays and lesbians love them some girl-on-girl action.
So when evangelicals warn you that adultery, same-sex sex and pornography are horrible sins, just ask them which they prefer PornHub.Com or YouPorn.Com and watch them slither away in shame and humiliation.