“President Biden has a profane temper behind closed doors that contrasts with his folksy, affable public demeanor, according to a report.
Axios reports that, according to current and former aides, the president has a short fuse and is prone to eruptions such as, ‘God dammit, how the f–k don’t you know this?!’ and ‘Get the f–k out of here!’”
The Hill
Joe Biden cultivates a folksy, affable public demeanor; he’ll entertain aides with colorful anecdotes about his epic encounters with Corn Pop, and he might ask his pals to take a spin with him on his vintage Corvette. We smile when Joe dons aviator sunglass to look like the cat’s pajamas, he’s everyone’s favorite doddering old uncle.
Biden’s more besotted fans even think it’s endearing when he whispers during a speech to make a point. Some of his supporters, who are in deep denial, think it’s charming when the crusty old perv sniffs the hair of little girls and gropes them.
Biden’s image as a sweet old gentlemen is meant to hide the fact that he’s a senile old goat who doesn’t know his pecker from his pinkie.
Now it turns out that behind closed doors Biden is the epitome of the grouchy old man who yells profanities and treats everyone like crap. If that’s the real Biden maybe behind closed doors he does more than just sniff the hair of pre-teen girls.
I’m not surprised that Biden swears at aides, old codgers who suffer from dementia often lash out in anger when they can’t remember a word or when they loss their train of thought.
It’s turns out “Regular Joe” is really a nasty (in every sense of the word) old man with a trigger temper, who shouldn’t be running for reelection.