A trophy wife’s main responsibility is to dress stylishly, smile adoringly at her benefactor and keep her mouth shut unless her man is being criticized in which case, she is expected to defend him vehemently.
Donald Trump is a crude, vulgar, misogynist, racist and mean-spirited buffoon who is under constant criticism by just about everyone who isn’t on his payroll, but Melania rarely deigns to defend him.
I’m surprised Trump has traded in the former glorified escort for a younger model, but I guess he stays married to her because at least she doesn’t raise a peep about his serial philandering or any of his other vices.
A First Lady is expected to adopt a pet cause, and instead of choosing one like saving the whales, Melania’s Be Best campaign focus is on battling the scourge of online bullying.
Why Melania’s pet cause is fighting cyber bullying when her husband is the biggest cyber bully in the world is beyond me. You’d think she would have chosen a project that wouldn’t open her up to charges of cowardice and hypocrisy, considering she’s never castigated her husband for savaging people, especially women, online.
But now everyone is excoriating Melania for keeping silent when her husband attacked former Ukrainian ambassador Marie Yovanovitch on Twitter while she was testifying during the impeachment hearings.
I don’t expect Melania to get all legal on us and accuse Trump of witness intimidation, but the least she could do is gently chide him for disparaging a courageous woman and consummate professional who is guilty only of doing her patriotic duty.
Come on now Melania, Be Best!