Jim Carrey Taunts ‘Psycho’ Mike Pence

“Actor Jim Carrey shared his latest politically motivated piece of artwork on Friday, this time the Hollywood star`s portrait taking aim at Vice President Mike Pence.

The drawing appears to show Pence dressed in a robe, watching over a fly positioned on his right hand.

`I hope they are watching … They`ll see,` reads the text accompanying text. `They`ll see and they`ll know, and they`ll say, `Why Mike Pence wouldn`t even harm a fly … `”


The quote is from the Alfred Hitchcock classic “Psycho,” a not so subtle hint that our Vice President is a dangerous psycho.

Norman Bates victims were guests of the infamous Bates Motel, but Pence`s victims is the entire population of the United States, especially if he succeeds Trump.

Bates` relationship with his dead mother is the stuff that nightmares are made of, and Pence`s relationship with his wife whom he calls “Mother” is the stuff that gives normal Americans the heebie-jeebies.

Carrey`s artwork is in black and white with the exception of Pence`s piercing green eyes, the eyes of a zealot. Pence is a well-known evangelical zealot, on a mission from God to persecute gays and lesbians, and oppress the poor and disenfranchised.

But when it comes to Psycho Mike Pence politics trumps religion, and he is a political zealot who will debase and humiliate himself in an effort to please his Messiah, Donald Trump.

I hope and pray that Robert Mueller`s investigation will culminate with the impeachment of Trump and Pence. We must not make the mistake of breathing a sigh of relief if Trump is impeached or forced to resign, if Psycho Pence is still in the picture.

Pic of Carrey masterpiece:


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Mike Pence and Donald Trump: Locked Together in Sexual/Political Embrace

“WHEN VICE PRESIDENT Mike Pence appeared at an event in Arizona the other day and lauded former sheriff Joe Arpaio as a `tireless champion of the rule of law`, his comment wasn`t just a risible fiction about a man who made racial profiling his political calling card, thumbed his nose at a federal judge`s order and was convicted of criminal contempt of court. In kowtowing to Mr. Arpaio, a hero to alt-right racists, the vice president also announced his own contempt for principles higher than reflexive genuflection to anything and anyone favored by President Trump.

The Washington Post

Vice President Mike Pence is known as a bedrock religious conservative, and as an unapologetic supporter of the short-fingered vulgarian, Donald Trump.

Pence is anal-retentive about avoiding the appearance of evil, he famously refuses to be alone with any woman other than his wife.

You`d think that Pence would have refused to be unequally yoked together with an unbeliever, and turned down the chance to be Vice President.

But not only did Pence accept Trump`s offer to be Vice President, but Pence the religious prude and Trump the brazen hedonist are thicker than thieves.

Whenever Pence`s religious convictions and Trump`s unchristian behavior are in conflict, he sides with the devil.

Trump pardoned Arpaio after he was convicted of criminal contempt for ignoring a federal judge`s order to halt his office`s systematic racial profiling patrols.

So it`s not surprising that Pence lauded the ex-convict racist Sheriff as a tireless champion of the rule of law. In the Trump administration black is white, good is bad, and if you want to remain in the president`s good races you`d better not publicly contradict him.

If Pence is convicted of any Russian scandal related crime, he will likely be pardoned by Trump, but I doubt Jesus will pardon Pence for his many sins: Relentless persecution of gays and lesbians, support of policies that hurt the poor and minorities, and his embrace of the antichrist himself, Donald Trump.

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Does Jesus Speak to Mike Pence?

“Buried under an avalanche of breaking news this month, Vice President Mike Pence gave an impassioned defense of religion.

`The overwhelming majority of Americans enjoy their faith, and we have all different kinds of faith in this country,` Pence said during an event broadcast on C-Span. `My Christianity is the most important thing in my life. I try and start every day by opening the good book. My wife and I try to have a prayer together before I leave every morning. I can honestly tell you my faith sustains me in all that I do.`

He was responding to a question about a joke comedian Joy Behar cracked during an episode of The View on ABC in which she compared Christianity to a mental illness.

`It`s one thing to talk to Jesus,` Behar said on the popular daytime talk show. `It`s another when Jesus talks to you.`”

Charlotte Observer

All Christians talk to Jesus, but only charlatan televangelists and mentally unbalanced believers claim that He literally answers them.

Sane evangelicals will say words to the effect of: I went to Jesus in prayer and I believe He is leading me to take this action.

But when a pious Christian declares “I asked the Lord if I should vote for Donald Trump, and Jesus not only ordered me to vote for him, but he also commanded me to wear a MAGA hat every day,” WATCH OUT! That wasn`t Jesus speaking to him, the wanker is misinterpreting the fart emanating from his arse for the word of God.

Folks who claim that Jesus speaks to them in an audible voice are sanctimonious morons of the worst kind.

I`m not a theologian or clairvoyant, but I know damn well that Jesus does not speak to Mike Pence. If Jesus ever speaks to Pence it will be to rebuke him for enabling and making excuses for the short-fingered vulgarian.

We need less holier-than-thou Christians declaring “Jesus spoke to me,” and more humble believers saying “I`m feeding the poor, and visiting prisoners in jail just like Jesus instructed me in the Gospels.”

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/editorials/article201882049.html#storylink=cpy

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Awkward: Donald Trump Massages Mike Pence’s Thigh During Billy Graham Memorial Service

“During a memorial service for the late Reverend Billy Graham in the Capitol Rotunda on Wednesday, President Trump, in a rare display of public affection, reached over his wife Melania to place a firm, but gentle hand on Mike Pence`s thigh. Pence looked as comfortable with the president`s touch as you`d imagine, his mouth squeezed tightly shut, his hands gripping the hem of his suit jacket.

Was it a gesture of reassurance? A warning? We may never know. I would like to know how Karen felt about it, though.”

The Cut

I`m not surprised that Trump reached over his wife Melania and placed his tiny hand on Pence`s upper thigh, he knows darn well that if he had placed his hand anywhere on Melania`s body, she would have swatted the disgusting little thing.

Pence is a devout evangelical and perhaps Trump was only trying to console his Vice President on the death of the evangelical icon, or maybe he was just screwing with him. But one thing is sure: Those were the longest moments in the life of the noted homophobe.

After the memorial service Pence probably retreated to his prayer closet and uttered this prayer:

Lord I can resist an ugly orange baboon when he touches my thigh, but please don`t let Jared Kushner caress my thigh lest I become a sodomite.

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Mike Pence Has a Penchant for Planting Holy Kisses on Donald Trump’s Butt

“Dictionary.com has absolutely zero tolerance for Mike Pence kissing Donald Trump`s ass.

After video footage of a Wednesday Cabinet meeting showed the VP giving Trump an inordinate amount of praise, the dictionary took matters into its own hands, delivering a powerful blow to Pence`s ego with a ridiculously sassy, straight-forward tweet.

Retweeting a Washington Post analysis titled `In Cabinet meeting, Pence praises Trump once every 12 seconds for three minutes straight,` Dictionary.com`s official Twitter account called Pence out, defining his behavior in one word: sycophant.

`There`s a word for a person who would praise someone every 12 seconds. #VP #Pence,` the tweet read, linking out to the sycophant dictionary entry.”


Only a preacher delivering a sermon on Jesus Christ can be excused for praising a man once every 12 seconds.

A man who praises a mere mortal once every 12 seconds during a speech is the very definition of a sycophant, or to put it into words that Donald Trump would understand, an ass-kissing toadie.

I couldn`t praise a giant like John Kennedy or Martin Luther King once every 12 seconds during a speech, who can bring himself to shower a lying sack of shit like Trump with compliments?

Jesus had nothing but words of compassion and kindness for prostitutes and other social outcasts, but he had ringing words of condemnation for hypocritical leaders like the Pharisees.

To use one of Trump`s favorite expressions “believe me” Jesus would call Trump everything but a child of God.

To hell with Pence and his evangelical faith that propels him to praise a loathsome pig, Dictionary.Com is spot on, he is the epitome of a sycophant.

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Openly Gay Olympics Figure Skater Adam Rippon Refuses to Meet Anti-Gay Mike Pence

Vice President Mike Pence is the most anti-gay Republican leader, he supports anti-gay conversion therapy, and he declared that resources for a federal HIV/AIDS program should be directed only toward institutions that provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.

Pence, a fervent born-again Christian, has justified and excused Trump`s long litany of sins: Chronic lying, greed, godawful treatment of women ranging from mocking their physical appearance to outright sexual assault, petty and vindictive nature, support of pedophile Roy Moore, gutter language …

Regardless what outrageous anti-Christian thing Trump says or does, the ultra-fundamentalist Pence still looks at his boss with a look of benign adoration. It`s safe to conclude that Pence will tolerate any sin that Trump engages in, with the exception of homosexuality. If Pence caught Trump in a threesome with General Mattis and General John Kelly, he would declare: Love and admiration of the military is one thing, but sodomizing generals is another! You are a degenerate sodomite, and I will no longer serve in your administration.

Given Pence`s blatant animosity of the gay and lesbian community, it should come as no surprise that openly gay figure skater Adam Rippon has criticized Pence`s homophobia, and expressed revulsion at the idea of meeting the Vice President.

Pence had a staffer try to set up a meeting between himself and Rippon, but he was rebuffed. Rippon should stand his ground and refuse to meet Pence, until he publicly condemns the insane practice of conversion therapy.

It`s easier for a fat pig like Trump to go through the eyes of a needle than it is to brainwash a gay man to become straight or vice versa.

The Olympics is all about the brotherhood of man, and the diversity of the world community, what the hell is Pence doing in South Korea anyway?


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Rev. Maurice Watson Denounces Trump’s Racist Comments with Red-faced Mike Pence in Pews

“A Maryland pastor on Sunday denounced President Trumps s—hole countries comment before God, his congregation and Vice President Pence.

Worshipers at the Metropolitan Baptist Church in Largo, Md., said the vice president grew visibly red-faced as the Rev. Maurice Watson called Trump out for his vulgar comments last week about Haiti and several African nations.

`I stand today as your pastor to vehemently denounce and reject any such characterizations of the nations of Africa and of our brothers and sisters in Haiti,` Watson told his congregation as Pence looked on.

`And I further say: Whoever made such a statement, whoever used such a visceral, disrespectful, dehumanizing adjective to characterize the nations of Africa, whoever said it, is wrong. And they ought to be held accountable.`”

New York Daily News

Sometimes a Christian pastor is required to minister to the least among us with the compassion and humility of Jesus Christ, and sometimes he`s called upon to speak truth to power with the vehemence and thunder of an Old Testament prophet.

If Vice President wanted to bask in the praise of like-minded evangelicals in the aftermath of Donald Trump`s blatantly racist shithole comment, he should have visited a white evangelical church.

White evangelical churches have a long history of not just tolerating racism, but practicing racism, and a racist charlatan like Trump is as welcome as a snake oil televangelist.

Mike Pence made the mistake of attending a black evangelical church shortly after his boss uttered his toxic comments, and the pastor was duty-bound to vehemently denounce the president`s racist rhetoric.

Pence`s huge Bible was no shield for the minister`s words of condemnation, and his face was red with fury and humiliation.

Sunday night Pence probably commensurated with Trump`s evangelical advisory council in a presidential circle jerk.

If only the Rev. Maurice Watson was granted an audience with Trump!

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Mike Pence Missing From Michael Wolff’s Book

In Michael Wolff`s tell-all book on the Trump administration, all of the president`s close advisers, including his sons and daughter, are quoted ridiculing and criticizing him. Ivanka is even quoted mocking his pride and joy, his comb over from hell.

Everybody from the chief of staff to the butler calls Trump a variation of moron. Trump blew his top when it was reported a few months ago that his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a “fucking moron,” you can imagine how he feels now that it`s been revealed that all of his aides think he`s an idiot.

In the internecine warfare that is the trademark of the Trump administration, there is only one thing that everybody agrees on: Trump is a fucking moron.

However, there is one principal figure that`s missing from the salacious gossip that permeates Wolff`s expose: Vice President Mike Pence.

Pence`s main function in Trump`s White House is to look endearingly at the president, especially when the cameras are rolling. While all of Trump`s aides were spilling their guts eviscerating their Dear Leader, Pence was staring at Trump`s portrait with awe and admiration.

When Pence does speak, nothing but obsequious praise for his boss flows from his lips. Pence may develop an ulcer from biting his tongue and keeping a low profile, but he`s just biding his time until Trump is impeached and removed from office.

We may deride Pence as a sycophantic weasel, but he may have the last smile.

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Donald Trump Has No Brains and Mike Pence Has No Balls

Donald Trump assumed the presidency with the bases loaded, the Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress, and even though he was a political neophyte he was confident that his team would be hitting legislative victories out of the park all year long.

But since day one the Trump administration has been mired in corruption, dysfunction and infighting, and as the year comes to a close Trump`s disastrous Tax plan is his only major legislative victory.

In his final Cabinet meeting of 2017, Trump bragged about the many historic accomplishments of his inaugural year. He then turned the mic over to Vice President Mike Pence, and instead of injecting a little bit of truth he praised his boss to high heaven.

Pence peppered his speech with so many “congratulations” and “thank yous” that any other president would have been so embarrassed that he would interrupted his sycophantic praise. But of course Trump expects and encourages such extravagant praise from his subordinates.

If you had just woken up after a year-long coma, and heard Pence`s remarks you would have thought that Trump has surprised everyone, and turned into a Lincolnseque statesman.

Unfortunately, the truth is that history books will record that the first year of the Trump administration was an unmitigated disaster.

All year long Pence has cleaned up after his boss, after every intemperate remark and vulgar tweet, he has attempted to spin Trump`s toxic comments into pearls of candor and wisdom.

Bottom line: Trump is a racist and misogynist buffoon and Pence is a spineless coward, and I implore Congress to impeach and remove from office both of these clowns.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

December 2017 Archives Page Two:


Trump May Visit DMZ! Who’s Behind This Plan Mike Pence?

“U.S. President Donald Trump may travel to the heavily fortified demilitarized zone (DMZ) separating North and South Korea when he visits South Korea next month, the South`s Yonhap news agency said on Tuesday, citing a defense source.

The White House sent an advance team of working-level officials in late September to check candidate sites for Trump`s “special activity” in South Korea, the source was quoted as saying.

A trip to the DMZ, following in the footsteps of his predecessor, Barack Obama, and Vice President Mike Pence, would bring Trump within yards of North Korean soldiers, who stand eyeball to eyeball with their South Korean enemies, and likely be regarded by the North as highly provocative.”


I wonder if Vice President Mike Pence is behind the plan to have President Donald Trump travel to the DMZ, he strikes me as an ambitious politician who is itching to be in charge.

Having Trump visit the DMZ within shooting distance of North Korean soldiers strikes me as dangerous as scheduling him to speak at an antifa rally.

How can the North Korean soldiers be expected to refrain themselves from shooting the buffoon who`s always ridiculing their Dear Leader?

As much as I want to see Trump dead, I hope to God cooler heads prevail and he doesn`t visit the DMZ. I want Trump dispatched to hell, but not if it means World War III.

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Evangelical Christian Mike Pence Willing to Sell His Soul to Protect Satanic Donald Trump

“On Saturday, Vice President Mike Pence was in Las Vegas honoring the victims of the largest mass shooting in modern American history. Less than 24 hours later, he was in Indiana walking out of the Indianapolis Colts game against the San Francisco 49ers after several of the players failed to stand during the National Anthem.

`I left today`s Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem,` Pence wrote on Twitter by way of explanation.

President Donald Trump, never one to cede to the spotlight, quickly took to Twitter to claim credit for Pence`s walk-out. `I asked @VP Pence to leave stadium if any players kneeled, disrespecting our country. I am proud of him and @SecondLady Karen,` tweeted Trump. He continued to inject himself into the moment Monday morning, tweeting that Pence received `great praise` for leaving the game.”


Vice President Mike Pence flew on Air Force Two from Las Vegas to Indianapolis to attend the game between the Colts and the 49ers.

After attending the game for the sole purpose of engaging in his publicity stunt, he flew to California — the cynical ploy cost taxpayers almost $300,000.

Former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick started the kneeling during the National Anthem protest a year ago, and ever since some 49ers always kneel during the anthem.

Pence knew there was a 100% certainty that a few 49ers would kneel during the playing of the National Anthem, his sole purpose for attending the football game was to engage in his publicity stunt to distract attention from Rex Tillerson calling the president a fuc*ing moron and Republican Sen. Bob Corker warning that Trump may lead us to World War III.

The only thing that the evangelical Christian Pence accomplished is prove that he is willing to sell his soul to protect the image of the satanic Donald Trump.

Time for revolution?

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Maxine Waters: Mike Pence Already Planning His Inauguration

Mike Pence is somewhere planning an inauguration. Priebus and Spicer will lead the transition.

Maxine Waters tweet

Maxine Waters, a Democrat from California and frequent critic of Donald Trump doesn`t have any inside information, she was just needling the buffoon.

Trump has a notoriously thin skin and I wouldn`t be surprised if he responds to her taunt on Twitter:

Maxine Waters is somewhere trying on new wigs. RuPaul and Richard Simmons are helping her find a wig that doesn`t make her look like James Brown.

However you don`t have to be a rocket scientist or a political analyst to discern that the Trump administration is in serious trouble.

Mike Pence would indeed be well-advised to start planning his inauguration, and I`m quite sure that Priebus and Spicer would love to help out in the transition.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Gay Teacher Flashes Gay Attitude in Oval Office! Donald Trump Unfazed by His Gay Spirit!

“Gay teacher Nikos Giannopoulos` displayed his LGBTQ pride as he sported a rainbow pin and clutched a lacy fan in an official photo with President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump. And now the Rhode Island teacher of the year`s bold stand for LGBTQ rights has gotten global attention after the image went viral on Facebook.”

Huffington Post

Donald Trump may be many things, but he`s not homophobic. In the entertainment business, where Trump has thrived for decades, there are more gays than you can shake a feather boa at, I`m sure he`s seen more flamboyant characters than a guy sporting a rainbow pin and clutching a lacy fan.

As a matter of fact Trump told the gay teacher that he looked very stylish. I know how Trump rolls, it wouldn`t have been out of character for him to exclaim: Work it girlfriend!

Although Trump isn`t homophobic some members of his administration, most notably Vice President Mike Pence, aren`t very gay friendly. Had Giannopoulos posed with Pence in all his gay splendor, he would have attempted to cast the gay demons out of him.

Kudos to Giannopoulos for flying his freak flag high in the Oval Office, you need a little bit of color to counterbalance the Orange Menace.

Gay pic:


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