With the midterm elections only five months from today, Donald Trump has increased the frequency of his MAGA rallies. Once Trump cultists made a pilgrimage to as many MAGA rallies as they could afford to attend, but with a clambake almost every week they elicit shrugs from the faithful.
Trump pep rallies have lost their pep, and are as exciting as watching grass grow. The stilted reading of lame remarks of the teleprompter. The tossing of MAGA caps into the crowd. The ridicule of Rhinos and liberals. The spastic dance moves. The airing of grievances. The familiar refrains of “Lock her up” and “Build the Wall.” The ennui. The boredom. The angst.
Trump needs to revive his rallies and what better way than by explicitly declaring himself a messiah like the world has never seen before. Not a loser messiah who allowed himself to be tortured, ridiculed and crucified like Jesus Christ, but a messiah who will torment, ridicule and obliterate his enemies.
The time is right for Trump to declare himself the new Messiah, white evangelicals already treat him with awe and reverence. Only by declaring himself the Lord’s anointed will he inspire his sycophants to go to the polls.