Donald Trump spoke to children whose calls to NORAD had been patched through to the White House lines – there`s no way the Stable Genius can screw up this photo-op, right?
In front of a crackling fire and between two Christmas trees even a Grinch like Trump should have been filled with the Christmas spirit.
But in a Christmas Eve call, Trump asked 7-year-old Coleman whether she still believes in Santa Claus.
“Are you still a believer in Santa? Because at 7, it`s marginal, right?” Trump asked Coleman.
If a seven-year-old child calls a Santa Claus hotline, you don`t have to be a Stable Genius to deduce that the wee innocent still believes in Santa.
Dear God let`s hope that calls to a suicide prevention hotline aren`t routed to the Oval Office, for another photo-op.
I can only imagine the conversation as Trump takes a call from a teenager contemplating suicide:
Justin from San Francisco: I can`t do anything right! What`s the point? I really want to kill myself!
Trump: Jump off the Golden Gate Bridge you freaking loser! No big loss, I doubt a liberal loser like you was planning on voting for me in 2020 anyway.
Yes, Coleman, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as crass commercialism and greed exists in this capitalist state. Go to a mall, if one still exists in your town, and you will see me there.
Merry Christmas to little Coleman and to all my readers! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.