Donald Trump who has never bought a Goya product in his life, and most likely never will, posed for an Oval Office photo with an array of Goya Foods products because its CEO lavished praise on him. Trump has no reservations about cheapening his office by hawking products if the company’s CEO praises him.
Chris Cuomo’s response to this sideshow emanating from the White House was classic:
“You tell me how a president, in the middle of a pandemic, has got time for this bullshit?
Trump is so grotesque in his physical appearance, and most of all in his behavior and philosophy that he elicits a primal response. I can’t count the times I’ve shouted “bullshit” at the TV screen when Trump has told a whopper. I hope Cuomo isn’t reprimanded by CNN management for his very human response to Trump’s fuckery.
Maybe it’s a good thing Trump is ignoring the pandemic, or else he might have posed for an Oval Office photo with an array of Clorox products. I can just see the stable genius gingerly holding a cup of bleach with both of his tiny hands and instructing his followers to drink it to cure themselves of the coronavirus.
Chris you spoke for all of us, thank you for using your platform to register our absolute disgust with the racist pig in the Oval Office.