Donald Trump Tried to Remove Braille From Trump Tower Elevators

“President Trump in the early 1980s asked an architect to remove Braille from planned residential elevators in Trump Tower in New York, saying blind people would not live there, according to a former longtime executive with the Trump Organization.”

Washington Post

This incident illustrates the moral depravity of Donald Trump. The real estate mogul wanted the Braille markings removed from elevators in Trump Tower because he`s an a-hole plain and simple, not because they offended his aesthetic sensibilities or he considered them a symbol of an out-of-control federal government regulating every aspect of our lives.

Trump has no empathy for the blind or for any disabled person, witness how he mimicked New York Times reporter, Serge F. Kovaleski`s disability.

A normal person sees braille elevator buttons and thinks, “I`m glad someone is looking out for the blind,” Trump thinks, “I hope no blind loser moves into my beautiful building.”

Don`t look for a political motive for Trump`s cruel and heartless policies, such as his zero tolerance immigration policy, he`s simply an a-hole being an a-hole.

Trump is a sociopath, he has no empathy or conscience, and when a sociopath becomes becomes President of the United States millions it`s a disaster, but there`s a political remedy: Impeachment!

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Stormy Daniels Memoir ‘Full Disclosure’ To Be Released Next Month! Who Cares?

“Stormy Daniels announced Wednesday that she has a book coming out Oct. 2 that will detail her alleged sexual encounter with Donald Trump and her life as a stripper and porn star.

`It will blow your minds,` Daniels said about the book – a memoir titled `Full Disclosure.`

She made the announcement on ABC`s `The View` with her attorney, Michael Avenatti.

Daniels said she had been working on the autobiography for about 10 years, focusing on her `adventures` in strip clubs and on the road, traveling from show to show.”

USA Today

I am not going to waste an hour of my life reading the autobiography of a porn star.

Allow me to digress by asking, “Why are all porn actresses described as “porn stars”? Aren`t there any supporting or character actors in the porn industry?

Daniels started stripping while she was still in high school, and she never attended college. Her autobiography will most likely be ghostwritten by a writer with experience penning articles for Penthouse Forum.

Daniels screwed Donald Trump only one time, and by her admission the tryst lasted only a minute. The chapter depicting her one-night stand with the racist pig should be only a couple of pages long, but of course she will fluff the incident and describe every last nauseating detail.

I could give a flying fuc* about the adventures of a stripper/porn star in strip clubs and on the road.

As you can tell by the tone of my article, I don`t perceive Daniels as a star of the Resistance. What she is in fact is a stank ass hoe.

Read my article: Stormy Daniels Isn`t An Icon of Female Empowerment, She`s a Disease-Ridden Skank

With all due respect to Daniels, which amounts to zilch, the only anti-Trump book I plan on reading is Bob Woodward`s “Fear.”

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Donald Trump Still Can’t Believe Alleged Pedophile Roy Moore Lost

“President Donald Trump continues to wonder why Republican Roy Moore – once considered a sure thing to win the U.S. Senate seat from Alabama – lost to Democrat Doug Jones, according to a recent report.

Audio obtained by the New York Times revealed Mick Mulvaney, White House budget director, telling fellow Republicans the president isn`t over Moore`s 2017 Senate loss.

`The president asks me all the time, `Why did Roy Moore lose?` Mulvaney said.”


Donald Trump doesn`t subscribe to any political ideology, before he became president the real estate mogul made campaign contributions to any candidate that could help his business endeavors, regardless of their political affiliation.

Trump ran as a Republican because he correctly discerned that he could ride the GOP anti-immigration wave all the way to the White House.

Trump doesn`t endorse candidates based on their faithfulness to Republican values, he could care less about conservative principles. He endorses candidates who are loyal to him, regardless of their moral character or fealty to traditional Republican dogma.

Trump has the Midas touch, any candidate whom he endorses in the primaries or special elections usually wins.

That`s why to this day Trump can`t believe that a candidate that he endorsed, Roy Moore, lost to a Democrat in the red state of Alabama. In fact, Moore was the first Republican to lose a Senate election in Alabama since Richard Sellers in 1992.

Moore was an alleged pedophile who in his 30`s cruised high schools and shopping malls in search of dates, but Trump feels that his endorsement should have trumped any reservations that Republicans had about voting for a pervert.

Why did Roy Moore lose? For the same reason that Trump will be impeached when Democrats seize control of the House in the midterm elections: Though white evangelicals my worship Trump, regular folks can`t stomach pedophiles, perverts, and sexual predators.

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The Sky is Blue, Grass is Green and Donald Trump is a Liar!

“Trump doesn`t lie to be believed, he lies to be repeated. Even fierce opponents can be unwitting viral marketers for his lies. Don`t fall into the trap.”

Jason Sattler, USA Today

Donald Trump`s braggadocios output exceeds that of a rapper or a WWE wrestler. The carny barker exploits every appearance, whether it`s an impromptu press conference or a formal presidential address to brag about his accomplishments.

The Players Ball is an annual gathering of pimps, held in Chicago, Illinois, and every year they crown a “Pimp of the Year.” The Player of the Year will strut on the stage with his hoes following him with their heads down; he will brag about his handsome physique and intelligence, and boast about the obedience and loyalty of his hoes. Pimps Up, Hoes Down is his mantra.

Trump is the Pimp-in Chief, he never misses an opportunity to boast about his greatness, and he loves to hold Cabinet meetings where his staff is forced to laud him with extravagant praise. President Up, Staff Down is his mantra.

Trump is a liar, plain and simple. If his sphincter-shaped mouth is moving, he`s lying.

Trump is a habitual liar, he doesn`t care that his lies strain credulity, and he doesn`t lie to be believed. He lies so that his lies will be retweeted on Twitter, exposed by cable news pundits, and condemned by newspaper opinion writers. He lies so that he will always be the focus of cable news.

Only his base believes him, their default mode is willing suspension of disbelief. They believe every stupidity that emanates from his foul orifice, if Trump declared that there was a blizzard in Los Angeles in the middle of summer, his fans with plans to vacation in LA would pack winter coats and gloves.

Should we simply ignore Trump`s lies, considering his goal is attention, and he actually likes it when we debunk him on social media?

I don`t think so, that would be giving in to cynicism. Everybody from university professors to journalists to bloggers to regular folks should debunk him every time he lies.

It may get boring and tiresome to continue to point out the Emperor isn`t wearing any clothes, but it`s incumbent upon us to denounce the world of alternate truths, subjective reality and simulated reality.

Rest assured that I will continue to call Trump a fuc*ing liar until he`s impeached and removed from office.

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Dear God! How I Hate Donald Trump and White Evangelicals

“Perhaps the only subject Donald Trump likes to talk about as much as the almighty self is, well, Almighty God.

Need proof? At a White House `state-like dinner` for evangelical leaders in late August, President Trump spoke about `the glory of God` and the `power of prayer,` while promising that he would ensure America would `forever proudly remain one nation under God.` Trump has even indicated that God probably had a hand in the election, noting that such a victory `would require major help from God … and we got it!`”

Daily Beast

Donald Trump and his white evangelical base have done more to discredit Christianity than secularism or liberalism.

White evangelicals are so despised that a pay-per-view event featuring the likes of Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham being fed to the lions would generate monster ratings and profits.

In his careers as a real estate mogul and as a reality star Trump never invoked the Almighty. Religious words weren`t in his lexicon, why even pretend to believe in a deity, when you think the world revolves around you?

But Trump won the election thanks to the unwavering support of white evangelicals, and now he has a penchant for invoking the Almighty to sate his base.

White evangelicals may cream their drawers when their Messiah mentions Jesus Christ, but normal folks recoil in disgust at such a vile and immoral creature waxing religious.

Sarah Palin condemned Obama for “palling around with terrorists,” but Trump pals around with white evangelical leaaders, and that`s infinity worse.

Americans will exact their revenge on the morally degenerate Trump in 2020, or God willing earlier via impeachment. But we won`t forget his enablers, and when sanity is restored and a Democrat is elected to the White House, look out white evangelicals.

We won`t seek Biblical revenge by smiting the bastards hip and thigh, but a Democratic administration will be more inclined to take away their tax exempt status.

Let me speak to white evangelicals in Trump-like fashion. Screw you religious a-holes, you have earned enmity that will last for generations to come.

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Barack Obama Delivers Full-throated Rebuke of Donald Trump’s Administration

“The night before the 2016 election, Barack Obama said Donald Trump was “uniquely unqualified” on the economy, “temperamentally unfit” on foreign policy, couldn`t be trusted with the nuclear codes and had “utter contempt for the values that make this nation great.”

Friday, the former president took the stage here in a University of Illinois auditorium and said it had been all that and worse.

For all the unprecedented moments Trump`s presidency has brought, Obama`s speech, which kicked off his midterm campaigning, marked a new one: a former president going on the attack directly against his successor-and arguing directly that the man in the Oval Office isn`t just a political opponent, but a threat to the core of America itself.”


From the Muslim ban to Charlottesville to the separation of families at the border with Mexico, former president Barack Obama followed political protocol and refrained from attacking his successor explicitly.

But Today Obama took the stage in a University of Illinois auditorium and implicitly and explicitly criticized the Trump administration.

Obama was passionate but professorial in his ringing indictment of Donald Trump, and hopefully his young audience took his message to heart, and will vote in the midterm elections, instead of just hashtaging their frustrations.

This is the first of a series of lectures that Obama will deliver until the midterms in November; the juxtaposition between Obama`s professorial style and Trump`s Nutty Professor shtick will impress upon voters that it`s incumbent upon them to vote blue to hold the Trump administration accountable.

It`s encouraging and heartwarming to see Obama get back into the fray. The former president called out the beast by name, and I`m all in on his vision of a blue tide washing away the swamp creatures.

You Go Obama! I`m looking forward to every last one of your speeches!

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Donald Trump Takes on Google, He Might As Well Take on God!

“President Donald Trump has renewed his claims of bias against conservatives on the internet, accusing Google of rigging its results to show `bad` stories when users search for “Trump news.”

`Google search results for Trump News shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake News Media`, the president said Tuesday on Twitter.

`In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out,` he added. `Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives.`”


It`s one thing for Donald Trump to take on the likes of Crazy Joe Biden, Low Energy Jeb and Crooked Hillary, and it`s quite another to take on Google.

Trump has vanquished all of his foes, but you don`t spit in the wind, you don`t pull the mask of that old Lone Ranger, and you don`t mess around with omniscient and omnipotent Google.

I`m grateful that the articles I write for TheSop.Org are picked up by Google News, even though they are lower in the search results than media giants like The New York Times, The Washington Post and CNN.

A user search for “Donald Trump News” or “Donald Trump” yields stories that aren`t complimentary because Trump is the reverse King Midas, everything that he touches turns to crap.

The algorithms that Google uses to rank news stories are guarded more closely than the recipe for Coke or Kentucky Fried Chicken, but the tech giant doesn`t bias search results toward any political ideology.

Al Gore claims to have invented the Internet and Trump probably thinks Google algorithms were named after Al Gore, but Google`s algorithms are scientific not political.

If Trump wants more favorable Google search results, maybe he should stop being such a misogynist racist pig.

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Racist Joe Arpaio’s Hero is Racist Donald Trump! What a Surprise!

“Joe Arpaio, the longtime county sheriff seeking a U.S. Senate seat in Arizona on Tuesday, said during a television interview it took him 75 years to find a hero in his life. That person: Donald Trump.”

The Washington Post

NBC`s Kasie Hunt asked Arpaio “Is John McCain a hero?” and he deflected by answering that Trump was his hero.

Before the ascendancy of Trump, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents would have answered: Of course, McCain is a hero, his battle scars and his bipartisanship leadership in the Senate bear witness to his courage and integrity.

But the GOP is beset by tribal rivalries, and such a simple question poses a minefield for Republicans. They don`t want to offend Trump and so many balk at answering in the affirmative.

I`m surprised it took the racist sheriff 75 years to find a hero to his liking. He referred to his tent city jail, where inmates were housed in inhumane conditions, as a concentration camp, you`d think his hero would be Adolph Hitler.

Last year our racist president pardoned Arpaio for his conviction for criminal contempt of court, that`s what probably tipped the scales in favor of Trump.

Arpaio is running for the Senate seat in Arizona in what hopefully will be his last hurrah. He`s last in the polls but I take slight comfort in that fact, because his hero still has the fervent support of most Republicans.

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Donald Trump Vs a Speaker Phone: Video

“Trump attempted to put Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto on speaker phone in front of a group of reporters assembled in the Oval Office. The goal, apparently, was to talk about a new trade agreement between the U.S. and Mexico, but the outcome was an unforgettable clip that will forever be etched in our brains.”

The Cut

You`d think Donald Trump wouldn`t have any problems using a landline speaker phone, after all it`s ancient technology familiar to a septuagenarian, and the giant buttons are custom-made for his tiny fingers.

He doesn`t seem to have any problems using his Twitter machine, he tweets his fool head off all hours of the day and night. But maybe there`s a videotape of Trump taking 30 minutes to fire off each tweet.

The Stable Genius embarrassed himself, the office of the president, and indeed all of humanity.

I`m not going to provide a play-by-play commentary of this most humiliating incident, watch for yourself and hopefully you will join me in demanding that this fuc*ing moron be immediately impeached and removed from office.

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Donald Trump Thinks the American Flag Has a Blue Stripe

“Donald Trump has been photographed colouring in an American flag wrong.

The US President was visiting children at a hospital in Ohio with his wife Melania when he sat down to colour in some pictures with children.

A photo tweeted out by secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services Alex Azar showed Mr Trump sitting with partially coloured-in flag. Twitter users were quick to notice while the top stripe was correctly drawn in red, Mr Trump left the next two white and the coloured the fourth one blue.”


A photograph depicting Trump sitting down with children having fun with coloring books perfectly captures his intellectual deficit.

But when you notice that the Stable Genius is coloring a stripe on the American flag blue, you realize that this photograph should be hanging in a museum because it perfectly illustrates that the Leader of the Free World has the intellectual capacity of a small child.

The Russian flag has red, white and blue stripes, maybe the fuc*ing moron thought he was coloring the Russian flag.

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel and Trump has draped himself in the American flag, to appeal to his base who equate standing up for the National Anthem with patriotism.

Trump has called African American NFL players “sons of bitches” for taking a knee when the National Anthem is played, knowing full well that they aren`t protesting the military or the flag, but protesting police brutality against people of color.

What do you call a septuagenarian who thinks the American flag has a blue stripe? How about a senile moron who has no business lecturing anyone on patriotism?

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All the President’s Men Are Flipping on Donald Trump

“Sacha Baron Cohen is releasing his own Trump tape – a clip from Da Ali G Show on which President Trump appeared in 2003. The Who Is America? creator and star also resurrected his persona to skewer Trump in a NSFW letter, following Tuesday`s conviction of Trump`s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump`s former personal attorney Michael Cohen pleading guilty to eight federal crimes.”

USA Today

Donald Trump demands absolute loyalty from his staff, even though he treats them with contempt and summarily dismisses them if they aren`t obsequious enough or if they dare grab the spotlight for a moment.

How is Trump`s policy of “Be loyal to be, and I will treat you like dirt” working? Not so good!

Trump`s most intimate confidants have flipped on the President cum Mob Boss:

Michael Cohen, Trump`s lawyer/fixer/poop catcher pleaded guilty to committing campaign finance violations and said he did so at the direction of the president.

Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization`s CFO was granted immunity in exchange for giving prosecutors information for the investigation into Cohen and the hush money he made to women during the 2016 presidential campaign.

David Pecker, who runs the National Enquirer and is a long-time pal of Trump, was granted immunity in the federal investigation into Michael Cohen in exchange for information on hush money deals.

Cohen knows where all the bodies are buried, Weisselberg knows where all the money is hidden, and Pecker has all the stories and tapes documenting Trump`s numerous affairs locked in his safe. Trump is screwed.

And now everyone from Michael Cohen to Omarosa to Sacha Baron Cohen is releasing audio and video tapes exposing Trump as a liar. Dear God, what`s next? Will Mike Pence release a video tape proving that Trump doesn`t practice safe sex during their weekly prayer/humping sessions?

Trump`s base will remain faithful to him to the bitter end, but the people who really matter are turning against him, and it doesn`t bode well for his political survival.

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Hours After Manafort and Cohen Blows Trump Supporters Chant ‘Lock Her Up’

Yesterday a jury found former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort guilty on tax- and bank-fraud charges, and on the same day Michael Cohen, Trump`s longtime lawyer/fixer pleaded guilty to eight criminal counts. This one-two punch has left the administration reeling, and my guess is that even the White House butler is lawyering up.

When Trump bragged that he hires the best people, little did we know that he meant the best criminals. Manafort and Cohen aren`t aberrations, Trump surrounds himself with sleazy characters, witness this list of Trump intimates who have pleaded guilty to various felonies.

George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

Michael Flynn, Trump`s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

Rick Gates, former Trump campaign aide and Manafort`s longtime partner in crime pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge.

I won`t even mention the Cabinet members who have resigned in disgrace.

Candidate Trump promised to drain the swamp, but the White House is fertile grounds for all kinds of swamp creatures, and most Americans are sick and tired of the endemic corruption.

With the exception of Trump supporters who live in an alternate universe, and they regard the Stable Genius as a man chosen by God to make America Great (re: white) Again.

Just hours after Trump was dealt these two major blows in federal courts, his supporters were chanting “Lock Her Up” and “Drain the Swamp” at a Make America Great campaign rally in West Virginia.

These morons are enthralled by Trump and the scales will never fall from their eyes, at least not until they die and the Almighty casts these white evangelical fuc*ers to hell.

But let us not grow weary in well doing, let us continue to fight the good fight until this abomination is impeached and removed from office.


In Trump’s America Racists Feel Emboldened to Call Blacks the N-word

“A white woman was hospitalized following an altercation where she called a group of people the N-word on the X2 Metrobus.

Video emerged on Twitter showing the woman getting into an argument with another passenger. As the white woman begins walking off the bus near 2nd and H streets in Northeast D.C., she calls the other passenger the N-word.

The video shows the woman exiting the bus before cutting to a clip where she is on the ground, bloodied up.”


Donald Trump has enabled racists to the point where they call the police on black folks for barbequing while black, sleeping in a university lounge area while black, redeeming coupons while black, selling bottles of water while black, swimming in a community pool while black …

They call the cops on people of color knowing that police interactions with minorities often leads to their injury or death.

The mere existence of people of color in Trump`s America is an affront to these racists. Pre-Trump they used the N-word in their country clubs, fraternal organizations and in their private residences, but now they feel so emboldened that they brazenly call African Americans niggers in public.

This fuc*ing moron white lady, most likely a Trump supporter, called a group of bus passengers the N-Word while riding the X2 Metrobus, a bus line that serves the inner city.

I commuted to work on a bus in Oakland, CA, and believe me everyone`s emotions are on hair trigger when you are packed like sardines in a smelly noisy bus. Yelling “nigger” on an inner-city bus is nothing short of a death wish, the bus passengers should be commended for simply beating her, and not killing her.

Minorities suffer so many indignities at the hands of the white power structure, that I`m amazed the passengers showed mercy on this vile creature.

Trump can get away with his blatant racism because he`s always surrounded by Secret Service agents, but the average racist isn`t afforded such protection, and he/she ain`t going to get away with using vile racist slurs in public.

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Donald Trump’s Base is an Evangelical Cult

Two weeks before the Iowa caucuses, in January 2016, the longshot Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump bragged to a crowd in Sioux City: “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn`t lose any voters, okay? It`s, like, incredible.

At the time Trump`s prescient, and indeed prophetic statement, was derided as just another boast from the reality TV charlatan.

But now that statement is recited with awe and reverence by his fanatical base the same way Christians recite the words of Jesus recorded in the Gospels.

Two and a half years later Trump has survived multiple scandals and outrageous statements that would have ended the presidential campaign of any other candidate, and would have led to the impeachment of any other president.

Trumpism isn`t an alt-right offshoot of the Republican Party so much as it is an evangelical cult. A Trump stump speech, and it`s instructive that he still regularly holds campaign rallies, is like a church service. Trump rails against the media and Democrats the same way a televangelist condemns gays and godless liberals. A preacher`s sermon might be punctuated with “Amens” and “Halleluiahs” by the faithful, Trump`s speech will be interrupted by chants of “Lock Her Up” and “Build the Wall.”

You can`t use logic or reason to appeal to a member of a cult, he will just stare at you with a blank expression and quote from his holy book, and you can`t convince a Trump supporter that he`s worshipping a False Messiah, he will just stare at you with an evil expression and recite a Trump tweet.

The Grand Old Party has been taken over by a cult, and in order to save its soul, Republicans must impeach Trump, and excommunicate members of his heretical sect.

Republicans can`t afford to appease or compromise with Trump and his base without destroying everything they stand for, they must smite these heretics hip and thigh.

Trump has stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shot the independent judiciary, the media, and our Constitution, and he hasn`t lost any support. We must remove Trump by any means necessary.

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Omarosa Claims Trump Wanted to Get Sworn in on ‘The Art of the Deal’ Instead of the Bible at his Inauguration

“In her new memoir, `Unhinged,` former White House adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman claims President Donald Trump considered getting sworn in for the presidency on his book, `The Art of the Deal.`

In the days leading up to his inauguration, Trump allegedly said, `Omarosa, what do you think about me getting sworn in on `The Art of the Deal?`

Though it`s not mandatory for presidents to use the Bible for the swearing-in portion of an inauguration ceremony, it has been standard practice throughout US history. Manigault Newman questioned Trump as to why he wouldn`t continue this trend.

`The Art of the Deal` is a bestseller! It`s the greatest business book of all time,` she says Trump told her. `It`s how I`m going to make great deals for the country. Just think how many copies I`d sell-maybe commemorative a inauguration copy?!`”

Business Insider

If Donald Trump ever writes a book it will be an autobiography, he couldn`t possibly focus on any subject other than himself for more than a few minutes.

Unfortunately, he doesn`t have the intellectual acumen to write a children`s book, much less a memoir.

Trump`s 1998 bestselling memoir was ghostwritten entirely by Tony Schwartz, not a jot or a tittle was written by the Stable Genius. Of course that doesn`t stop the functional illiterate from claiming credit.

It would have been appropriate for a fake president to get sworn in using a fake book as opposed to the Bible. I doubt that Trump has read either book, although he`s more familiar with “The Art of the Deal.”

Trump never misses a chance to make a buck, and he would have been delighted with the prospect of selling commemorative inauguration copies of “The Art of the Deal.”

Omarosa convinced her erstwhile reality TV buddy to follow convention and use the Bible. If Trump had used his memoir or a Penthouse Magazine his fervent white evangelical supporters would still have worshipped him as the Messiah.

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Donald Trump Vs the Press: Whose Side Are You On?

Autocrats, whether they are right-wing fascists or left-wing dictators, consolidate power by attacking all rival spheres of power and influence. It`s Dictatorship 101 to emasculate an independent judiciary, intimidate the legislative branch and ridicule the press.

Donald Trump doesn`t have the intellect or patience to adhere to any particular political ideology, the only philosophy that he subscribes to is that of the narcissist, self-aggrandizement and burnishing his brand at any cost.

Trump`s attacks on individual judges and the justice system has been well chronicled, he expected the judicial system to vindicate his anti-constitutional executive orders.

Trump has the GOP-controlled House and Senate under his complete control, to the point where no Republican leader, with the exception of those who aren`t running for reelection, dare call him out on his racism, misogyny and just plain stupidity.

Trump`s campaign shtick included belittling the press, and he branded the news media “the enemy of the American people” a month after taking the oath of office. In the intervening months he has intensified his attack on the press. He can`t hold a press conference or deliver a stump speech without labeling the media “fake news” a dozen times.

In the last few months Trump has amped up his attack on journalists by labeling them, “the enemy of the people, a phrase made popular by Joseph Stalin.

This has been a one-sided war, Trump regularly blasts the press, and the fourth estate cowers under his belligerence.

But enough is enough! The editorial board of the Boston Globe is urging newspapers and online news outlets across our democracy to express their disgust for the president`s anti-press rhetoric on August 16, by writing editorials extolling free speech and condemning Trump`s war against the press.

So far over 100 news outlets have agreed – from large metropolitan newspapers to low-circulation small town weekly newspapers. I urge bloggers to join the bandwagon, in the last two years I`ve written over 200 anti-Trump essays, and I`m not going to stop until Trump is impeached and removed from office.

The press represents the American people, they uncover the truth, and speak that truth to power, to hold our elected officials accountable to the people.

At this critical juncture in the history of our democracy, I have made it crystal clear where I stand on this issue. How about you, will you stand with the press, or will you continue to enable an autocratic racist moron?

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Joe Arpaio Tells Sacha Baron Cohen He Would Accept Oral Sex From Donald Trump

“Plenty of people have accused Joe Arpaio, the Donald Trump-pardoned former Arizona sheriff, of not knowing what he`s talking about. Arpaio handed them even more ammo than necessary when he got duped by Sacha Baron Cohen into an impossibly bizarre conversation in which Arpaio spoke sternly to a tiny toy donut about the need for guns, conceded that President Trump has most likely had a “golden shower,” and admitted that he would accept an offer of “a blow job” from Trump.”


Sacha Baron Cohen has the easiest gig on television, making fools out of Republican conservatives the likes of Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin and Judge Roy Moore.

Forgive me for the explicit language, but it seems that whenever I write about a Trump-loving conservative I am forced to wallow in filth.

Arpaio, you might remember is the blatant racist best known for illegally detaining Latinos and for housing inmates in concentration camp like tent cities.

President Trump issued his first ever presidential pardon to Arpaio in August 2017, and you`d think he would defend the moral virtue of the president. But instead he conceded that Trump probably enjoyed a golden shower.

Trump`s base, made of white evangelicals and other assorted riff-raff, knows that their Messiah is a racist and a moral degenerate, but they don`t give a fuc*.

I wouldn`t be surprised if every night Trump`s God-fearing Cabinet pisses into his golden tub, and then hold hands and pray as Mike Pence baptizes him.

Baron Cohen asked the sheriff: “If Donald Trump calls you up after this and says, `Sheriff Joe, I want to offer you an amazing blow job,` would you say yes?” “I may have to say yes,” Arpaio replied. There`s a long line of Trump sycophants and enablers waiting in line to pleasure Trump`s puny presidential pecker, and I`m sure Mike Pence enjoys the privilege of cutting in line, whenever the Spirit moves him.

To top things off Arpaio lectured a tiny plastic donut about gun rights. White evangelicals and white conservatives are such freaking wankers, we may need a revolution to rid our democracy of these moral degenerates.

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First Lady Melania Trump Praises LeBron James

“First lady Melania Trump praised LeBron James less than a day after President Donald Trump lashed out at the NBA star on Twitter.

She also said she is open to visiting the school for underprivileged children James recently opened in his hometown of Akron, Ohio, which he said in an interview that aired last week prioritizes a holistic experience for students.”

Business Insider

This is a follow-up to my essay: Donald Trump Attacks LeBron James on Twitter!

Trump`s racist tweet was universally condemned, even the First Lady defended the character and integrity of the superstar athlete.

The tweet was blatantly racist, Trump invariably attacks the intelligence of prominent African Americans who disagree with his policies, he`s questioned the intelligence of Maxine Waters, Don Lemon and LiAngelo Ball.

First Lady spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham issued this statement:

“It looks like LeBron James is working to do good things on behalf of our next generation and just as she always has, the First Lady encourages everyone to have an open dialogue about issues facing children today.”

The statement also mentioned “responsible online behavior” and said that Melania would be open to visiting the school.

I don`t expect Melania to vociferously protest her husband`s online bullying behavior, but at least she subtly rebuked him by citing “responsible online behavior” in the same statement in which she defended James.

I hope she does visit the school for underprivileged children James opened in Akron, wouldn`t that be a slap on the face to Trump?

More Republicans need to “Be Best” and follow Melania`s example and rebuke Trump when he waxes racist on Twitter.

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Donald Trump Attacks LeBron James on Twitter!

“Tweeters erupted in anger after President Donald Trump trashed NBA superstar LeBron James on Friday night:

`LeBron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made LeBron look smart, which isn`t easy to do. I like Mike!`

Trump used Twitter to bash both James and CNN host Don Lemon, after finally watching an interview between the pair that aired on Monday.

During the interview, James (who in July signed for the Los Angeles Lakers) accused Trump of enabling racists and using sports to divide the country.”

Huffington Post

I was born in San Francisco, and in my 20`s I moved to Oakland. As a native San Franciscan I followed the San Francisco Giants closely, the fortunes of my Giants took a back seat only to my career and personal relationships.

When I moved to Oakland I found a good job in that blue collar city, and my loyalties were divided, I still bled orange and black, but I developed a fondness for the Oakland A`s.

I attended my games at the Oakland Coliseum, and I always wondered how many of my bleacher buddies had divided loyalties like me. San Francisco and Oakland are connected by the Oakland Bay Bridge, and there are some baseball fans in the Bay Area who root for both teams.

But I never wondered how many fans in the stadium were liberals like me, and how many were conservatives. For those three hours that we were at the ballpark, we weren`t liberals or conservatives, black or white, rich or poor, Christians or atheists, we were damn Oakland A`s fans.

Sports unifies a community like nothing else, when the Giants or the A`s wins the World Series you will see hundreds of thousands of citizens of every ethnicity, religion and social class celebrate together is the streets.

With his wizardry on the basketball court, King James unites the thousands fortunate enough to watch him play in person, and the millions who watch him on television.

Millions of kids who watch LeBron are colorblind to his ethnicity, it`s his mad skills that captivates them, and makes them want to be just like him.

LeBron is spot on, Trump enables racists and uses sports to divide the country. Instead of celebrating the athleticism of NFL players and the community work that many of them do, Trump demonizes the mostly black players who take a knee during the National Anthem as a protest against police brutality and racial profiling.

That`s why millions of Americans want their children to grow up to be like LeBron a gifted athlete who is involved in many philanthropic enterprises, including building a school for at risk children in Akron.

And only the most deluded Trump supporters want their children to grow up to be like the orange racist moron.

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Donald Trump Doesn’t Know England From the UK From a Hole in the Ground

“Trump appeared not to know the difference among the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England during a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on Thursday night.

`I have great respect for the U.K., United Kingdom, great respect,` said Trump. `People call it Britain. They call it Great Britain. They used to call it England, different parts.`

Folks online were keen to point out that Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales – and the United Kingdom is made up of those three countries, plus Northern Ireland. They also noted how the country of England is most definitely still called England, despite Trump`s claim.

Huffington Post

When Trump delivers a stump speech at a rally it`s a stream of consciousness flood of lies, insults and nonsense; it`s difficult to discern if the words are emanating from his sphincter-like mouth or his actual a-hole.

It`s safe to assume there`s no atlas in his mind, and he confuses England from the United Kingdom from a hole in the ground. It`s a sorry state of affairs when the putative Leader of the Free World doesn`t know jack about geography.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but everybody who isn`t a wanker calls our ally “England.”

I wouldn`t be surprised if Prime Minister Theresa May, whom some idiots call “President,” sends an email to Trump requesting that he never set foot on English soil again.

Every time Trump opens his trap he proves that he`s no stable genius, but a man of dubious intelligence, otherwise know as a fuc*ing moron.

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Donald Trump Says Americans Need a Photo ID to Go Grocery Shopping! Wanker!

“US President Donald Trump has been accused of being out of touch with voters after saying Americans need identification to go shopping.

At a rally in Tampa, Florida, he said: `You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID.`”


In 1992, when President George H.W. Bush was amazed by a grocery store barcode scanner the story went viral in the pre-internet age because it fit the stereotype of Bush as a rich old patrician out of touch with the lives of the common man.

It`s incomprehensible why Trump enjoys the fervent support of blue collar Americans, even though he doesn`t know anything about their daily lives, and could give a shit.

Trump`s executive orders and the bills passed by the Republican-controlled Congress have benefited corporations and wealthy individuals, and have damaged the interests of the working class.

But you wouldn`t know it by the enthusiastic response that Trump receives whenever he has a campaign-style rally. The morons even cheered him when he made his ridiculous statement that you couldn`t buy groceries without a photo ID.

Bush`s reputation as an out of touch politician was cemented by the barcode scanner fiasco, and he lost his re-election bid to Bill Clinton. Trump on the other hand may be full of shit, but he`s coated with Teflon, and he can get away with saying whatever nonsense pops into his head.

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Trump Will Be Brought Down by Financial Crimes, Not by a Pee Tape

According to a Quinnipiac University poll published last week, the majority of American voters now believe the President of Russia has compromising information on the President of the United States. In other words, they believe Trump is being blackmailed.

This is a post-Helsinki Summit poll after Americans and the entire world witnessed Trump acting like a lapdog, poodle, and treasonous dog in the presence of alpha dog Putin.

Many are wondering if maybe the most salacious allegation in the Steele dossier is true, namely that in 2013 then citizen Trump hired Russian prostitutes to perform a golden showers show in front of him, aimed at defiling the bed of the Ritz-Carlton presidential suite, where Michelle and Barack Obama once slept.

I wouldn`t be surprised if Trump was into golden showers, after all something must account for his urine-colored coiffure. You don`t have to be a psychologist to know that the rich and powerful have a penchant for enjoying sadomasochistic hijinks.

A Trump pee tape may or may not exist, but I don`t think it would be enough to blackmail a freak like him. Everybody, including his base, knows that Trump is a sexual deviant, and the release of such a tape would have no effect on his approval ratings.

If the tape was released online evangelical Christians would proclaim that the Russian hookers were angels in disguise and that holy water was emanating from their holy orifices.

It ain`t about the sex, it`s about the money! Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating collusion and obstruction, but I bet most of all he`s following the money.

Putin knows everything that happens in his dictatorship, and I bet he`s using Trump`s shady deals in Russia to blackmail him.

“In 2008, Donald Jr. told investors in Moscow that Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets, while Eric reportedly told a golf reporter in 2014 that the Trump Organization was able to expand during the financial crisis because `We don`t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.`”

It`s not a deluge of urine that will bring down Trump, it`s the swamp of financial corruption that will be exposed by the Mueller investigation that will destroy the bastard.

Melania Trump Looked Horrified After Shaking Hands With Putin

“Donald Trump`s meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin on Monday was disaster-like for many reasons, but one totally overlooked part of it was the precise moment in which Melania Trump shook Putin`s hand and ended up with a look of pure terror on her face. Seriously, it was caught on camera for the entire world to see.”


Like a typical First Lady Melania Trump has a talent for putting on a smiling face when greeting foreign dignitaries and attending public events with her husband.

But sometimes the mask slips and for a brief moment we glimpse her true emotion, whether it be boredom, anger or sheer terror.

On January 20, 2017, as Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States, Melania looked ashen, but when he turned around to look at her, her face broke out into a beaming smile, and then instantly turned ice cold again when he turned back around.

Melania is unable to look adoringly at her husband, Mike Pence style, for a sustained period of time, her true feelings of disgust will inevitably explode to the surface.

When Melania Trump shook Russian President Vladimir Putin`s hand in Helsinki, a look of abject terror was frozen on her face. Keep in mind that poor Melania is forced to occasionally hold the grotesquely small hand of her husband, in other words she`s used to holding the hand of a monster.

Melania knows that her husband is an evil and stupid buffoon, but she instantly recognized that there`s no buffoonery or stupidity in Putin, only pure evil, and that scared the hell out of her.

If only Trump realized that Putin isn`t his buddy or a friendly competitor, but a ruthless dictator who`s making him his bitch.

Link to video and photos of Melania`s sheer terror upon meeting Putin:

Kevin Durant Says That ‘Donald Trump Doesn’t Have a Soul’! Amen!

“Kevin Durants distaste for President Donald Trump is well documented, and on Wednesday, the Warriors star stated that the president doesn`t have a soul.

During an appearance on Trail Blazers guard CJ McCollum`s podcast `Pull Up,` Durant called President Trump “heartless.”

`He doesn`t have a soul, bro,` Durant said. `I don`t even know, he don`t have a soul. He doesn`t have a soul. The stuff he says and does, bro. Like, you gotta have something deep down … Something`s missing for you to say that type of stuff.`”


How many angels can dance on the head of a pin is a question that philosophers and theologians have pondered, so I don`t think it`s a fruitless intellectual endeavor to consider whether or not Donald Trump has a soul.

You don`t have to be a theologian, philosopher or an intellectual giant (judging by Durant`s grade school grammar) to weigh in on this subject.

Durant`s bold proclamation doesn`t merit a CNN “Breaking News” alert, practically every Christian, Muslim, Jew and atheist will concur that Trump`s speech, behavior and political directives proves he is devoid of a soul.

White evangelicals are the only ones who would argue that not only does Trump have a soul, but that he`s a spiritual brother of Jesus Christ.

Satan has a special room in hell reserved for white evangelicals, but alas that room is destined to remain forever empty because like their false Messiah they don`t possess a soul.

When I hear Trump say that Mexican immigrants are rapists, I say to myself: He doesn`t have a soul! When he decimates Obamacare, a lifeline to the poor and disenfranchised, I say to myself: He doesn`t have a soul! When he brags about grabbing women by their genitals, I say to myself, He doesn`t have a soul! When he viciously attacks his opponents on Twitter, I say to myself: He doesn`t have a soul! Practically every day I say to myself: He doesn`t have a soul!

Kevin Durant is spot on, Trump doesn`t have a soul!

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Patriot Destroys Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame Star With a Pickax

“President Donald Trump`s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was destroyed by a man with a pickax early Wednesday, according to Los Angeles police Officer Ray Brown.

Patricia Cox, a witness, told CNN affiliate KCAL/KCBS that she saw a man “going to town” on the ground “like it was his business just to be tearing up the ground,” she said. “I thought it was work going on over here.”

Police later arrested Austin Clay, 24, on suspicion of felony vandalism. Brown said Clay did not reveal a motive for the alleged vandalism, and the investigation continues. He`s being held on $20,000 bail.”


Trump`s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has been a frequent target of vandals and protestors, it`s been defaced numerous times, and a LA street artist named Plastic Jesus built a tiny wall around it.

But a patriot, Austin Clay, took a pickax out of a guitar case and destroyed the damn thing.

The time for measured criticism of Trump is long past, we must take actions to destroy Trump`s presidency, and get rid of him by any means necessary.

I write an article for my blog every day, and my essays used to be a mix of entertainment, current events, odd news, and politics, but now almost all of my editorials are searing indictments of Trump.

We must redouble our efforts to bring down the Trump administration, use your talents and treasure to save our democracy by getting rid of the abomination.

I will not rest until the Trump regime is destroyed just like that damn star. I`m going full-Austin Clay on Donald Trump!

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