Notwithstanding most polls that indicate the incumbent president Joe Biden would beat Trump and Ron DeSantis in the General Election, the Republican governor of Florida is convinced that he is the only Republican who can beat Biden.
A solid argument could be made that the young gun DeSantis would pulverize the octogenarian in a matchup. DeSantis wouldn’t have to deliver a haymaker to knock out the doddering and hapless Biden, a glancing blow would put him out of commission.
Bur before he can square off against Biden, DeSantis needs to knock out the schoolyard bully, Donald Trump. The only way to knock out a ruffian the likes of Trump is to put on some brass knuckles, punch him in the nose, and then kick him in the head to finish him off.
If as expected DeSantis formally launches his presidential run this week, he will finally have the opportunity to take on his tormentor and pound the hell out of him.
Expect DeSantis to wimp out. The governor will mostly ignore the daily Trump taunts and insults and will decline to take on the twice-impeached, freshly indicted former president head-on. DeSantis has no choice but to risk alienating the MAGA base and rhetorically destroy Trump.
Nobody has ever really landed a solid blow on Trump, and for the life of me I can’t figure out why. What are Republican presidential candidates so afraid of, Trump like all bullies is a coward, and he’s not going to hurt anyone with his pathetic doll hands.
DeSantis needs to put on his big boy boxing shorts on and punch Trump on the nose and not hesitate to hit him below the waist.