Republican leaders stoke the culture wars as a means of energizing their base and building a campaign war chest. The Republican faithful are primed to storm the Capitol to stop the evil Democrats from banishing The Muppets, Dr. Seuss, Goya, Mr. Potato Head and the My Pillow guy.
If you listen exclusively to right wing media cable news outlets like Fox News and Newsmax you’d think that democracy was in an existential threat of being undermined by the raging culture wars. Republicans are terrified that America will fall to communism if Liberals succeed in cancelling Roseanne Barr, Jon Voight, Mr. Potato Head, the My Pillow fraudster and Donald Trump.
Conservative pundits, preachers and politicians have their panties in a twist over what they describe as out of control PC culture.
The mainstream media may have light-hearted segments on Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head, but it’s not culture wars 24/7.
President Joe Biden and his administration aren’t preoccupied with the culture wars.
“I don’t think there is any danger in ignoring a debate on Mr. Potato Head and Dr. Seuss,” said John Anzalone, a Biden adviser and campaign pollster.
Biden has more important things on his plate: passing the massive COVID-19 relief package and bringing the pandemic under control.
If only Republican congressional leaders would stop playing with Mr. Potato Head, put down their Dr Seuss books and help Democrats in fighting the pandemic, ending systemic racism, building our infrastructure, and protecting voting rights.