Christian Walker, Herschel Walker’s son and an Instagram influencer who has used his platform to promote Republican politics, provided the most astute autopsy of Herschel Walker’s doomed Senate campaign:
“Don’t beat women, hold guns to peoples heads, fund abortions then pretend your pro-life, stalk cheerleaders, leave your multiple minor children alone to chase more fame, lie, lie, lie, say stupid crap, and make a fool of your family… And then maybe you can win a senate seat.”
Walker won the Georgia primary by virtue of being Donald Trump’s hand-picked candidate. The most radical elements of political parties dominate primary elections, and the MAGA faithful overlooked all of Walker’s fatal flaws and gave him a landslide win.
But in the general election and in the run-off independents and establishment Republicans couldn’t vote for the most unqualified Republican senatorial candidate in recent history, and instead voted for Raphael Warnock.
Christian Walker is spot-on: a candidate who beats women, has serial affairs, forces his girlfriends to have abortions while pretending he’s pro-life, makes incoherent statements every time he opens his mouth, and lies all the time is not going to win a Senate seat, not even in Georgia.
Herschel Walker was the final nail in Trump’s reputation as a kingmaker, almost all of Trump endorsed election-denying candidates lost in the midterms.
Republicans would be well-advised to kick Trump to the curb.