“Former President Donald Trump was presented with an honorary ninth dan black belt in taekwondo over the weekend by the head of one of the sport’s governing bodies at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla.”

New York Post
Donald Trump wouldn’t know Taekwondo from Kimchi, and he has never attended a Taekwondo match.
Trump’s honorary ninth dan black belt carries as much credibility and gravitas as a diploma from Trump University.
Russian President Vladimir Putin was bestowed with the same honor during a visit to Seoul in 2013, but at least he’s a martial arts master who has a black belt in Judo.
The twice-impeached former president said he will wear the taekwondo outfit to Congress if he is elected president again. Sure, why not, it beats wearing a Bozo the Clown outfit.
An emphasis on speed and agility is a defining characteristic of Taekwondo. The short-fingered vulgarian can’t even change his diapers without an assist from Mike Pence.
This Korean martial artis discipline has a focus on mental and ethical discipline, etiquette, justice, respect, and self-confidence. The orange orangutan is the last person that comes to mind when I think of these virtues.
The presentation of this honorary black belt took place in Mar-a-Lago, a most appropriate venue for this farcical ceremony.