When Barack Obama was president, he was photographed frolicking, buff and shirtless on vacation in a Hawaiian beach. Those pics of the young and energetic president are what the young kids call a thirst trap. (For definition check UrbanDictionary.Com)
Joe Biden was recently photographed at Delaware’s Rehoboth Beach standing shirtless in his bright blue trunks, tennis shoes, aviators and with a baseball cap turned backward. This is what young kids call a decrepit old man trying to appear cool. No man older than thirty should ever be caught outside wearing a baseball cap backward.
I had a gag reflex when I saw the ghastly image of the shameless octogenarian’s bleach white and bloated stomach, certainly no resemblance to Obama’s six-pack abs.
Sleepy Joe may have thought he looked cool standing on the beach with his hands on his hips, his cap turned backward and wearing cool shades. Sunglasses can make anybody look cool, but when you’re 80-freaking-years-old nothing can make you look cool.
Biden is too old to be shirtless on the beach, too old to venture outside without a walker, too old to be president, and frankly too old to be still alive.
At least he wasn’t wearing a bright red Speedo brief.