President Donald Trump said in an interview on Monday that he thinks the concept of the federal government giving reparations to the descendants of slaves is ‘unusual’ and ‘interesting’ but he doesn’t ‘see it happening.’
Reparations is a hot button issue on the campaign trail, most of the two dozen or so presidential Democratic candidates support the idea. It was only a matter of time before the stable genius piped in with his thoughts on the controversial idea.
I am “shocked, shocked, shocked” that Trump is against reparations! Who would have thunk that the most racist president in modern history could would express misgivings about the federal government giving reparations to the descendants of slaves. Who would have imagined that the chief executive who has slashed safety net programs that the disenfranchised poor, most of them minorities, rely on isn’t in favor of reparations? Who could have predicted that the man who has delayed replacing the genocidal racist Andrew Jackson with the abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill until he is out of office would look askance at the prospect of reparations? Who could have conceived that the real estate developer who called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five who were unjustly accused would be against justice for the descendants of slaves?
On June 19, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties held a hearing to discuss legislation introduced by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, calling for the creation of a commission to study the lasting effects of slavery’s legacy and what could be done to make amends.
We can only hope that Trump won’t be president if and when there’s a vote in Congress on giving reparations to the descendants of slaves.