In the cable news networks there’s saturation coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, and even some of the commercials are corona-themed.
It’s easy to forget that the Democratic primaries still haven’t concluded, although Joe Biden has an insurmountable delegate lead.
It’s even easier to forget that the stubborn socialist Bernie Sanders still hasn’t conceded and many Democrats fear that there will be a replay of the 2016 election when Sanders cost Hillary Clinton the election by his late exit and late endorsement.
Sanders insists that he has a narrow path to the nomination, but he refuses to say what it is. Let’s be clear, Sanders has a snowball’s chance in hell of securing the nomination, his narrow path is Biden dying before the general election.
Whoopi Goldberg, God bless her soul, grilled the stubborn SOB on “The View,” pressing him to explain how he could still capture the nomination. He avoided giving her an answer, instead weakly arguing that “people in a democracy have a right to vote and have a right to vote for the agenda that they think can work for America.
Earth to Bernie: The people have already voted. The electorate has already spoken. Biden has trounced Sanders in almost every primary since the South Carolina contest and Sanders trails Biden in every single national poll.
Give it up you stubborn socialist scum! In this corona pandemic crisis, you are needed in the Senate and not wasting your time on the campaign trail.