“I think November we’re going to be a landslide and take Donald Trump out, that’s what I have to believe. I firmly believe that the heart of the nation is bigger than his mental illness and people will rise to the occasion and vote him out.”
Rosie O’Donnell
O’Donnell and Trump have engaged in a decade-long feud, which precedes Trump’s career in politics. This long-simmering feud will occasionally boil over on Twitter to the entertainment of us all.
When the former talk show host and comedian says that she believes Trump will lose in a landslide it’s a product of wishful thinking more than anything else.
The fact is that landslide presidential victories are a thing of the past, our nation is bitterly divided on ideological grounds and a few thousand votes in a few counties in battleground states will decides who wins.
Trump is the worst president in history and in a normal world he would lose in a landslide, but we aren’t living in a sane world. There’s a better chance than not that the buffoonish and racist septuagenarian will defeat the kindhearted but Alzheimer’s impaired challenger.
The fact is that the heart of the nation isn’t bigger than Trump’s mental illness, there are too many white evangelicals who are as spiritually and mentally as their false messiah.
Trump will only lose if every Democrat votes and encourages their friends and family members to vote as well.