Rest in Peace Richard Simmons, Queen of the Fitness Gurus

Richard Simmons was almost 300 pounds when he graduated from high school. None of his peers, friends or family would have imagined that this pudgy nerd would grow up to be one of the most famous fitness gurus.

No other fitness celebrity looked like Richard Simmons, he did not possess the steroids- enhanced muscularity of a Arnold Schwarzenegger or the macho persona of a Chuck Norris. He looked like the average guy who works out in the hopes of keeping in shape, and not becoming a hulky babe magnet.

And no one in his wildly popular exercise videos looked like jocks or fitness queens. The people working out in his “Sweating to the Oldies” videos were overweight regular folks that you might meet at the supermarket, laundromat, or fast-food joint.

But there was one quality that made Richard Simmons stand out, his flamboyantly gay vibe. Simmons never came out, but you did not need gaydar to deduce that he did not cultivate a primarily female following because he was sexually attracted to them.

Simmons was instantly recognizable in his short shorts, shaved and oiled legs, frizzly hair, and sparkly tank tops, or were they halter tops?

Simmons was sexually ambiguous before it was cool to be part of the LGBTQ community. He never marched in a Pride parade, but he flew his freak flag high, and sashayed to the tune of his own drummer.

RIP Richard Simmons. I’m sure that you are sweating to the oldies with the apostles, prophets and angels in heaven.