Donald Trump didn’t succeed in his crusade to overturn the will of the electorate and destroy our democracy and instead he is ensconced in Mar-a-Lago, uncharacteristically quiet after being banned from the most popular social media platforms.
Trump’s insurrection failed to stop the gears of government from certifying Joe Biden’s landslide win and Biden’s inauguration went off without a hitch on January 20, 2021.
Reality utterly demolished QAnon’s false conspiracy theories: Joe Biden is the president; Trump didn’t take down the “satanic deep state pedophile cabal” and the cultists wet dream of mass executions at Biden’s inauguration didn’t materialize.
After being totally discredited you’d think the QAnon movement would die, and the cultists would become atheists or join another cult. Believe it or not, the movement hasn’t completely died out, many followers are now claiming March 4, 2021 as the new significant date. They believe that’s the date when their false messiah will be sworn in as president.
Why March 4? Does it really matter? In a nutshell they believe a law was passed in 1871 secretly turning our democracy into a corporation, and therefore ever president after Ulysses S. Grant is illegitimate. In 1933 the inauguration date was changed from March 4 to January 20, and when Trump is inaugurated on March, he will become the only legitimate president since Grant. Total nonsense of course, but no crazier than their other conspiracy theories.
Like an apocalyptic cult that makes false prophecies after false prophecies about the End of the World, QAnon just keeps coming up with new conspiracy theories. QAnon will be with us for years to come, and it won’t stop poisoning our political system until Republican leaders stop fearing their base and publicly denounce it. Only then will it become as irrelevant as the Flat Earth Society.