“Howard Stern claimed that President Trump actually despises his biggest supporters and the radio talk show host said he hates the people who voted for the commander-in-chief.
‘I don’t hate Donald,’ Stern said on his Sirius XM Radio show Tuesday, according to Newsweek. ‘I hate you for voting for him, for not having intelligence. For not being able to see what’s going on with the coronavirus, for not being able to see what the Justice Department is doing. I hate you, I don’t want you here.’”
New York Post
White evangelicals love and worship Donald Trump, their fealty and dedication to their false messiah is greater than their love for Jesus Christ.
Jesus has no love for white evangelicals who support Trump because they exalt and praise a short-fingered vulgarian whose speech, behavior and policies are diametrically opposed to his teachings.
And Trump has no love for white evangelicals, in fact he despises their stupidity, religiosity and family values.
When Trump takes a few days off he doesn’t seek the company of evangelicals, he goes to his golf resorts to fellowship with fellow millionaires and billionaires.
Jesus doesn’t commune with white evangelicals; he hates their hypocrisy and reprobate behavior. You won’t find the Spirit of Christ in evangelical megachurches, but you will find him in storefront churches where believers are thirsty for his Word.
Howard Stern may love Donald Trump but hate his followers, I hate Donald Trump and his followers.
It’s incumbent upon patriots, including true Christians, to kick Trump to the curb on November and to fight the racism, misogyny and intolerance of white evangelicals for the rest of their lives.