“Donald Trump Jr. spoke to a thin crowd — reportedly numbering only a few hundred — at a rally last week in Pikeville, Kentucky. President Donald Trump‘s eldest son, a frequent surrogate on the campaign trail, attended the event to garner support for Republican Gov. Matt Bevin, who is seeking re-election against Democratic rival Andy Beshear, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader.
According to Louisville radio station WFPL, about 200 people showed up for the event, despite a report from local station WYMT indicating “locals expect a memorable turnout” at the Appalachian Wireless Arena, which can hold up to 7,000 guests.”
People Magazine
Donald Trump obsesses over ratings, the size of his hands and crowd sizes, and Junior’s sparse crowd may lead the stable genius to disinherit his son from his will.
Organizers resorted to desperate means to make the “crowd” look larger, they asked the audience to move closer to the stage. When only 200 supporters show up in a venue that holds 7,000 guests, it’s really stretching to call it a rally. Rosie O’Donnell would have drawn a larger crowd had she given a lecture on anal bleaching guide for big size women.
The Trumps don’t accept reality when it doesn’t meet their expectations, and they employ alternative facts, digital manipulation and sometimes just a Sharpie to create their own alternative universe.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump Jr. Photoshops images of the sparsely attended event to make it look like the crowd at an NFL game, or maybe he will just use a Sharpie to add stick figures.
Regardless what crude means Trump Jr. uses to inflate the size of his crowd, Trump’s base will fall for it. Cultists who are drunk on Kool-Aid will accept alternative facts and digitally-manipulated photographs as the Gospel truth.
Read More: https://people.com/politics/donald-trump-jr-empty-seats-kentucky-rally/