“During her husband’s last day in office, Melania recorded her farewell address as first lady of the United States and stood by her husband’s side during his. However, the moment the couple landed in Palm Beach, Melania, dressed in a bold Gucci caftan, went viral when she refused to stop and pose for cameras and made a beeline for her car without breaking her stride, as detailed in the Daily Mail. It certainly seemed like she was over and out.”
Melania was the most reclusive and reluctant first lady in history, she rarely made a public appearance and she perfunctorily attended to her duties with the minimum of grace and enthusiasm.
Since departing the White House last January she has been as elusive as Waldo and as gregarious as the late Howard Hughes. She has been seen publicly just once this summer, leaving Trump Tower in New York City, accompanied by her son.
Melania would probably prefer to do a four-year prison term in a Club Fed prison than play at being first lady again.
Donald Trump, on the other hand, is dying to return to the White House. He’s made several speeches and attended a handful of MAGA rallies since leaving office, without Melania by his side.
Melania has been negligent in her duties as a trophy wife, she’s not expected to love her husband, but she is expected to appear by his side for social and political events.
But Trump won’t divorce Melania because she’s already demonstrated that she’ll tolerate his racism, pettiness, serial philandering and downright demonic behavior as long as he doesn’t cut her off from his bank accounts.
If Trump runs for president in 2024 Melania will most likely be absent on the campaign trail, but that’s not necessarily a negative, after all during the 2016 presidential campaign she rarely appeared with him.
With or without Melania by his side, Trump will lose again if he runs for president again in 2024. America is sick and tired of the Trumps, every last one of them.