Majority of Americans Would Give Up Alcohol to See Donald Trump Impeached

“Donald Trump`s presidency has caused stress and anxiety in Americans across the country, many of whom have opted to offset their worries with an extra glass of wine or two or shots of whiskey from time to time. But as it turns out, the majority of citizens say they would quit drinking alcohol tomorrow if it meant the president would be impeached.

Nearly 73 percent of Democrats and 17 percent of Republicans said they would abstain from alcohol for the rest of their lives if they could see the official political process begin to remove Trump, according to a survey of 1,013 men and women nationwide.

The latest data set showing support for Trump`s impeachment-an exhaustive political process that includes no definite promise of his removal-comes at a time when multiple Democratic lawmakers are drafting articles of impeachment and at some point could bring them to the floor of Congress.”


The alcoholism rate has skyrocketed (my personal observation) since Donald Trump assumed office, the only way that a rational human being can endure Trump`s tweets, incoherent babbling, and crude behavior is by getting wasted.

The majority of Americans would abstain from alcohol for the rest of their lives if the long and arduous impeachment process began, although we might turn to a controlled substance until the vulgar short-fingered buffoon is finally impeached and removed from office.

I would give up all of my vices, which shall remain unnamed, for the rest of my life if the House drafts articles of impeachment. In fact, in a vow that`s sure to please all of my haters, I would give up writing if the orange fascist was impeached.

But until the moron is impeached we will keep our liquor cabinets well stocked with whiskey and gin.

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