Jill Biden is an Evil Ventriloquist Who Will Never Allow Her Dummy Joe Biden to Drop Out

Joe Biden is a career politician, he became a senator at the tender age of 30, the minimum age to become a senator, and almost fifty years later at age of 78 he became the President of the United States.  

Politics is the lifeblood of Biden, he loves campaigning, shaking hands of constituents, kissing babies, and groping young girls. Despite his life-long struggle with stuttering, his penchant for making gaffes and in his later years his battle with dementia, he loves making stump speeches and interacting with the press.

But most of all he loves the power and prestige of the presidency. Power is an intoxicating elixir, and it’s the potion that’s keeping the decrepit octogenarian alive.

Biden is loath to relinquish his death grip on power, he seems to know that retirement from politics means that he will soon meet his maker.

Like a baby holding on to his bottle or a drunk gripping his bottle of cheap wine, Biden refuses to drop out of the race, even though at some level, despite his dementia, he must know that he would lose in a landslide to Donald Trump.

Unfortunately, Biden’s closet aides are his power-hungry wife Jill Biden and his reprobate son, Hunter Biden. Joe Biden has mush for brains, it’s his wife in coordination with his staff who really run the White House.

Jill Biden is the ventriloquist who speaks through her dummy, the decrepit octogenarian who suffers from dementia, Joe Biden. And the dummy is insisting that he will never drop out of the presidential race.

Therefore, it’s incumbent upon Democratic leaders to save us from the nightmare of a second Trump term, and force Joe Biden to drop out, by any means necessary.