“Florida Sen. Lauren Book (D-Broward) filed a new bill intended to protect animals by making it illegal to let a dog be in a driver’s lap or stick their head out of a window in the car while driving.
Additionally, Senate Bill 932 includes provisions to make it illegal to have a dog transported ‘on the running board, fender, hood, or roof of a motor vehicle,’ as well as in a trunk, or enclosed cargo space.”
Political correctness has gone to the dogs. This bill would muzzle the quintessential expression of a dog enjoying the moment. Watching a pooch sticking his head out of a window of a car, tongue wagging, eyes twinkling and ears flapping is an elixir from human beings.
When I’m driving and I see a doggie with its head out the window it’s a reminder that even though humanity is ugly and perverse, there’s still beauty in the animal world.
Depriving a mutt from sticking its head out the window of a car is equivalent to depriving a cat from chasing a mouse or stopping a cow from chewing her cud.
If this inhumane bill passes and the dog owners get caught, it could mean a ticket for a moving violation. The hapless owner could also be stuck with a $1,000 fine and could even lose their pet.
I can understand prohibiting a cruel person from pulling a Mitt Romney and tying his pup to the roof of his car, or stashing it in his trunk, but for the love of God, a canine was meant to stick its head out the window.