The diverse Democratic filed of a gazillion and one presidential hopefuls has been whittled down to two male septuagenarians and one of them, Joe Biden 77 or Bernie Sanders 78, will face off against the incumbent Republican septuagenarian, Donald Trump.
Biden has lost a step or two and he has the mental acuity of the crazy uncle who’s been locked in the attic for the last few years. Trump is crazier than a shithouse rat and it’s impossible to tell if his loony behavior is mostly the result of dementia or sheer stupidity. Sanders still seems as sharp as a tack, although he’s the stereotypical old codger who complains when somebody steps on the grass in any of his three houses.
It doesn’t look like Sanders will have the opportunity to complain when a reporter walks on the White House lawn, he’s too far behind Biden to catch up. It’s going to be Trump vs Biden and I’m pulling for the mentally slow Biden over the demented Trump, but it’s a crying shame that we have to choose between two old white men.
With Biden emerging as the likely Democratic nominee, Trump has once again focused his fire on “Sleepy Joe” and he’s launched a concerted campaign to depict the 77-year-old Democrat as senile and out-of-touch with his electorate and reality itself.
Biden has been a gaffe machine for decades, but in his 2020 presidential campaign he’s making a gaffe practically every time he opens his mouth. For example, Biden referred to Super Tuesday as “Super Thursday” and he declared that he was running for the Senate and asserted that 150 million Americans had been killed by gun violence since 2007. In other words, Biden is giving Trump plenty of material to paint him as a senile old fool.
Needless to say, Trump has made even more gaffes than Biden, but the president is the master of projection and he’s not going to quit portraying Biden as senile.
I hope Biden wins because a sweet senile old man is better than an evil deranged old man. I just hope Biden chooses a young woman, preferably of color, as his running mate.