Herschel Walker has room temperature IQ; he doesn’t have any brain cells to spare. Believe it or not, a video has surfaced on social media where he takes credit for Donald Trump’s children’s intelligence.
The GOP’s illustrious Senate candidate for Georgia bragged that he spent quality time with Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr. while they were growing up and was responsible for their intelligence.
In the video posted on Twitter, Walker said:
“I don’t know if y’all know this, but I knew Donald Trump before he became ‘The Donald.’ Matter of fact, little Ivanka and little Donald lived with me for a week, for five years, during the summer. Every amusement park, Disney World, Sea World—every place they went, I was the one to take them. I kept them for a week, so the intelligence of those two kids right there—not from Donald.”
The moron claims that Ivanka and Junior lived with him for five weeks over a period of five years. That would be five more weeks that the serial philanderer has spent with his out-of-wedlock children that he never publicly acknowledged until just recently, and that he never financially supported. Walker is a pathological liar and this is another of his tall tales.
Can you imagine racist Trump allowing his beloved blond brat to live with Walker for a week? Hell to the NO!
If Trump sees this video he may retract his endorsement, watching a black idiot take credit for his children’s intelligence will be too much to take.