Donald Trump has been impeached, the ultimate rebuke of Congress on a corrupt, greedy, unethical and immoral president. But his evangelical base continues to treat him like a Rock God at his all-too-frequent political rallies.
It’s manifest that any thoughtful, reasonable and religious individual would discern that Trump’s three years in power has exposed him as too incompetent, unethical and intemperate to be the type of leader that will cause the Almighty to bless our country and lead citizens to listen to their better angels.
It’s self-evident, even to someone with only a rudimentary understanding of the Bible, that Trump is not fit to be the commander-in-chief responsible for making military decisions that may result in the death of hundreds of our soldiers.
Is the evangelicals’ Faustian bargain with the devil worth the nomination of federal judges that rule in favor of the wealthy, the elimination of regulations that harm the environment and tax cuts benefit the wealthy?
For what shall it profit an evangelical if he gains political power but loses his own soul?