A plethora of evangelical pastors and self-appointed prophets predicted that their false messiah Donald Trump would win reelection, claiming it was God’s will.
When that prophecy didn’t failed to materialize, a handful apologized and admitted they were wrong. Jeremiah Johnson was one of the most famous of these self-styled evangelical prophets who apologized for his false prophecy. His evangelical brethren showered him with death threats, and he ended up dismantling his prophetic ministry.
Evangelical ministers will never admit that their cherished false conspiracy theories are bullshit, even when confronted with science, empirical evidence and reality itself. That’s why most of these so-called prophets still insist Trump is the legitimate president and Joe Biden is an interloper who will soon be cast down by Almighty God.
Jeff Jansen, a self-proclaimed prophet believes that former president Donald Trump is still the legitimate president and that the military will remove Joe Biden from power. Jansen is urging his followers to keep the faith and trust that God will reinstate Trump to power by the end of April.
It would have made more sense had Jansen predicted April 1, 2021 as the day when Trump is reinstated as president, Jansen and his ilk are the biggest April Fools jokes.
Of course, April 30, 2021 will come and go, and Joe Biden will still be the president. If Old Testament prophets uttered a false prophecy they were stoned to death, but today’s evangelical prophets can make one false prophesy after another, without losing any of their gullible and ignorant followers.