Giancarlo Granda, the most famous pool boy in the history of sex scandals, and erstwhile business partner of Jerry Falwell Jr. has come forward to say he had a years-long sexual relationship with Falwell’s wife and the evangelical leader.
Granda was only 20 and working as a pool attendant at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel in 2021 when he met Jerry and Becki Falwell. Almost immediately the handsome young pool boy started a sexual relationship with Becki Falwell while Jerry Falwell looked on. Jerry has seen his wife’s WAP hundreds of times, it’s fair to conclude that his eyes were fixated on the pool boy’s package and not his wife’s goodies.
What people do in their bedrooms, pools or hotel rooms is their business, as long as both parties are consenting adults. If Falwell wasn’t the president of the largest evangelical university in the country, I would say, “dude, whatever floats your boat.”
But Falwell is the president and chancellor of Liberty University an evangelical school where students aren’t allowed to attend R-rated movies, go to dances and where pre-marital sex and same-sex is absolutely prohibited. The hypocrisy boggles the mind, unfortunately Falwell’s hypocrisy is representative of the white evangelicals who support Donald Trump.
Falwell was the first prominent evangelical leader to support Trump’s presidential campaign in 2015, and he spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention (RNC). Needless to say, the good Reverend won’t be speaking at this year’s RNC, but he might find a speaking slot at the annual pornographic literature convention.
Granda’s email and text messages evidence of his sexual relationship with Becki Falwell is so overwhelming, that the most famous evangelical cuckold was forced to admit that the pool boy is telling the truth. However, he denied that he watched while Granda made his wife scream, “Oh Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.”
Falwell has resigned his position as president and chancellor of Liberty University; however he has a promising career in the pornographic movie industry. I hear that the cuckold pornographic genre is very popular,especially among white evangelicals.