In this article I’m not going to wax poetic about all the grand implications of Joe Biden’s inauguration. Permit me to take a break from all the weighty essays I wrote during the Trump regime denouncing his attacks on civility, common sense and democracy itself.
Today I’m writing about a disturbing trend I noticed while watching the inaugural festivities, an epidemic of mask slipping. I didn’t see a single person who wasn’t wearing a face covering, and social distancing was in full effect, but I witnessed dozens of men who allowed their mask to slip below their nose. This is a social faux pas that afflicts only men; the women in attendance may have exhibited cleavage and their shapely legs, but none of them exposed their nose in the midst of a raging pandemic.
Men whom I deeply admire like former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, and the Chief Justice John Roberts made a mockery of coronavirus safety guidelines by proudly walking around with a face covering below their nose.
Let’s be real, that’s as disgusting, ridiculous and unhygienic as a man prancing about in his swimming trunks worn so low that his manhood is exposed, swinging in the breeze.
Leaving your nose uncovered defeats the purpose of wearing a mask. Period. End of story.
If your friend, acquaintance or co-worker was wearing a low-cut blouse and she was exposing her nipple, would you keep quiet or would you at least suggest she should look at herself in a mirror? If your buddy left the restroom with his willy hanging out, would you keep quiet, or would you tell him, “you freaking moron your dick is hanging out”? Rhetorical questions.
If you’re at a party or any social setting and you see a man with a mask pulled down so low that it only covers their mouth, would you keep quiet? I wouldn’t, I would call out the inconsiderate/oblivious offender.