Donald Trump Plays Golf With the World at the Edge of Armageddon

This Saturday marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung, `eternal president` of North Korea, and grandfather of Kim Jong-un. The more ineffectual the dictator the more grandiose his title, the Dear Leader just might ignite World War III.

The portly dictator has promised a big surprise for the “Day of the Sun,” which will most likely be another nuclear denotation. The chubby tyrant doesn`t have many tricks up his sleeves; it`s either firing a missile or detonating a nuclear bomb.

President Trump responded by dispatching the fearsome strike group led by the flagship U.S.S. Carl Vinson to North Korea.

Kim Jong-un in his usual inflammatory language is warning of thermonuclear conflagration, and China has positioned millions of troops near the border with North Korea.

With the world at the edge of Armageddon, Trump arrived for another weekend at his Florida resort on Thursday, sans the usual entourage of top aides who have accompanied him in the past.

Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned, and evidently Trump will play golf while the world burns.

Aides from the National Security Council may be accompanying Trump to his resort, but the image of Trump golfing during his crisis makes him look feckless and out of touch.

I wish Jong-un would drop the Mother of All Bombs on Mar a Lago, Trump`s vacations at his Southern White House are costing the American taxpayers a fortune.

At this critical juncture Trump needs to be at the Situation Room in the White House, where his aides can tell the neophyte politician how to properly and cautiously respond to North Korea`s provocations.

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