Dozens of women have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct including ogling, harassment, and even rape. Trump has vehemently denied all these allegations, but who are you going to believe, women who have nothing to gain by coming forward or the cretin who was caught on tape boasting:
“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”
Last Friday, E. Jean Carroll, a popular advice columnist, alleged that Trump (then a businessman) had raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in 1996. The story has almost disappeared from the news, eclipsed by the latest Trump outrages, including him jokingly reprimanding Putin not to interfere with the 2020 elections.
Trump has gotten away with sexually assaulting women since the 1970’s, he has not been accountable by the criminal justice system, or by Republican leaders. For all practical purposes, he’s above the law.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report chronicled multiple contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian government officials, and sets out ten incidents in which Trump possibly obstructed justice. Mueller failed to indict Trump of obstruction only because according to Justice Department regulations a sitting president can’t be indicted.
Trump, Attorney General Robert Barr and Congressional Republicans falsely claimed that the report exonerated Trump from charges of collusion and obstruction. Trump has learned nothing from his ordeal, he recently said that he would accept dirt on a political opponent from a representative of a foreign country, without notifying the FBI. For all practical purposes, he’s above the law.
Trump should be impeached for obstruction of justice and a hundred other reasons, but the Democratic-led House of Representatives refuses to impeach him for political considerations. Congress is acting as if he’s above the law.
Trump acts as if he doesn’t have to answer to anyone, he usurps Congressional power by issuing executive actions, and ridicules the other co-equal branch of government, the Judiciary. He lavishly praises tyrants, like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un the Dear Leader of North Korea, he envies their authoritarian systems of government that allows them to act without restraints.
In the real world Trump acts as if he’s a king, because for all practical purposes he is above the law.
Even in the virtual world Trump acts as if he’s above the law. On the social media platforms, especially Twitter, he defames, insults and ridicules his political opponents. Any regular person who acted like Trump on Twitter would have been permanently banned, but he can spread false conspiracy theories, viciously attack people, and outright lie without facing any consequences.
Finally, after millions of complaints that Trump violates the site’s rules prohibiting harassment, and hateful conduct Twitter plans to police Trump’s tweets, adding warning label for “abusive behavior.” Users will have to click on the warning to see the hidden tweet.
Too little, too late! Trump shouldn’t be above the law in real life or online, he should be treated like everyone else.