Donald Trump is a blatant racist, insecure misogynist, pathological liar, fucking moron, and above everything else a buffoon.
Trump’s buffoonery is expressed in his behavior, speech, attire and tweets. There is precious little Trump can do to change his behavior or speech at this stage of his life. Trump’s pettiness, greed, vulgarity and corruption have metastasized to every pore of his heart, mind and soul, and you can’t expect a demonic septuagenarian to suddenly sprout wings and behave like an angel.
There shouldn’t be any atheist comics, the short-fingered vulgarian has been a gift from God. Trump’s daily tweets, tantrums and tall tales provide an endless material for comedians. The jokes just write themselves when a buffoon sits in the Oval Office.
To restate the matter, after decades of buffoonery and ignorance Trump is intellectually and spiritually unable to put an end to his clownish speech and behavior, but he can do something about his appearance.
The most talented Hollywood make-up artist would be hard-pressed to create a more buffoonish-looking character than Trump.
The pumpkin-colored face with the white raccoon eyes? Stop spraying your ugly mug with fake tan spray. The comb-over from the pit of hell that defies gravity and common sense? Throw away the urine-colored hair dye, the hairspray and comb your hair like a normal person. The sphincter-shaped mouth? You can afford the best plastic surgeon! The double chin? Stop eating like a pig!
Trump is incapable of not acting like a buffoon, but why, dear God why, does he go out of his way to look like a buffoon?