“Bill Maher believes every news story about President Donald Trump should begin in the same way.
The `Real Time` host said the following phrase – `President Trump, who suffers from a malignant narcissistic personality disorder` – should be written at the beginning of every story in a bid to explain his actions that are subsequently detailed.
Huffington Post
Maher is spot on, if you look up Donald Trump in the index of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders you will find him in the chapter that deals with narcissistic personality disorder.
George Conway, the spouse of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway, and frequent critic of Trump agrees with Maher. He tweeted that “American foreign policy is now driven more by one man`s narcissist personality disorder than by the national interest and rational consideration of intelligence assessments.”
Trump who probably can`t find Montana, let alone North Korea, on a map is such a delusional narcissist that he told South Korean President Moon Jai-in that he is the only person who can solve the North Korea problem.
But a case could also be made that every news story about Donald Trump should begin with the phrase: Pathological liar Donald Trump …
Almost every tweet, speech and press release that emanates from the White House is riddled with lies. Trump wouldn`t know the truth if it shook his tiny hand and bit off his puny presidential pecker.
Some would argue that every article about Donald Trump should begin with the phrase: Serial sexual predator Donald Trump …
Trump thinks with his penis, he has used his status and power as a real estate tycoon, reality TV star and President of the United States to exploit, harass and assault women.
One thing is damn sure, every news story about Trump should include a description of a pathology that explains his words and deeds.
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