Donald Trump is a pathological liar, serial philanderer, insufferable narcissist, soulless sociopath, bumbling buffoon, vicious racist, sick misogynist, cowardly homophobe and an outright fascist. In short, he is a steaming pile of human shit.
If an evangelical attempts to persuade me to vote for Trump, I’m not going to waste a precious second arguing that he is the antithesis of the Gospel teachings of Jesus Christ.
I would simply tell him/her: Fuck you, Fuck Donald Trump and fuck the God you have created in your image.
It’s folly to attempt to have a nuanced discussion employing facts, reason and logic with a fool who is completely in the thrall of a Hitler or a Trump.
No political analyst has provided a better political assessment of Donald Trump than Snoop Dogg:
“Fuck Donald Trump. We ain’t voting for your punk ass. Go get you a new hairdo bitch ass.”
I’m down with Snoop! Fuck Donald Trump! I’m not voting for his punk ass! Snoop is right, his urine-colored combover hairdo is played out.
Fuck Donald Trump! Can I get an Amen?