“People were surprised about a lot of Hispanic folks who voted for Trump, but there are a lot of evangelical Hispanics.”
The fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans or…puts undocumented workers in cages—they think that’s less important than he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion.”
Barack Obama’s comments on the podcast “The Breakfast Club”

The Hispanic vote isn’t monolithic, for example Democrats expect to lose a sizable segment of the Cuban American and Venezuelan American electorate in Florida because these immigrants equate the Democratic Party with the socialism they fled from.
But liberals were shocked by the Latin support the racist-in-chief gained nationwide. For example, in 93-percent Hispanic Zapata County in Texas, he won by six percentage points while Hillary Clinton carried the county in 2016 by 33 percentage points.
Latinos viscerally feel the racism that emanates from the rhetoric and polices of Donald Trump, and are loathe to support a brazen racist, so why did so many Latinos vote for him?
As always Obama is spot on, there are a lot of evangelical Hispanics who voted against their own self-interest and voted for an unapologetic racist who separated children from their parents at the border and put them in cages as a deterrence against crossing the border illegally.
Too many evangelical Hispanics acted irrationally, illogically and immorally by voting for Trump because he’s a homophobe who appointed pro-life judges. Unfortunately, there’s a strong strain of homophobia in the Latin community and Trump’s disdain for gays and lesbian resonated with them, and overrode any concerns about his blatant racism.
The Jesus of Trump and his evangelical sycophants is not the Jesus of the Gospels, and their version of Christianity is not the Christianity of the New Testament. If Hispanic evangelicals, indeed if all evangelicals, abandoned their faux and heretical evangelical faith and embraced true Christianity they would never vote for an immoral and racist reprobate like Trump.