White evangelicals have replaced the Gospel that Jesus Christ saves souls of every race, color and creed with their Gospel that Donald Trump saves Christian White America’s culture.
Evangelicals are the backbone of Trump’s Big Lie, they are counting on him to hold back the tides of demographics, science and liberty and to keep America white and Christian. In white evangelical churches Trump’s message of intolerance and white privilege is on the ascendency and Jesus Christ’s message of universal love and the brotherhood of man is on the decline.
In the year and a half since Joe Biden’s popular vote and electoral college landslide, evangelical pastors and televangelists have trumpeted the Big Lie and pastors have opened their church doors to conspiracy theorists and conservative activists who wouldn’t recognize Jesus if he moved in next door to them.
White evangelical theology and White Nationalism ideology have become indistinguishable from each other. You will find just as many racists at an evangelical meeting than you will at a Nazi rally.
The serial philanderer, pathological liar, and soulless sociopath who is more likely to be screwing strippers on a Saturday night than shaking hands with a preacher on a Sunday morning is the messiah of white evangelicals.
Americans who cherish liberty, democracy, and racial and social justice must fight white evangelicals with the same fervor that they fight Nazis.