To be a member of a white evangelical church is to be complicit with racism, misogyny, homophobia and nativism.
White Evangelicals embrace Trump’s racist slogan “Make America Great Again”, they pine for a bygone homogenized society where people of color live outside the gate in their ghettos.
They believe in a patriarchal society where women are second class citizens, obey their husbands, and are the primary caretakers of the children.
Evangelicals believe gays and lesbians are children of a lesser God, and intrinsically unfit to be a part of their congregation. From their warped interpretation of the Bible they conclude that homosexuality is the greatest sin, and if these zealots ever succeed in turning our democracy into a theocracy, they would put gays and lesbians to death.
Evangelicals are infected with nativism and they look down on immigrants and refugees as descendants of Cain. They ignore the many passages in Scripture that command believers to treat strangers with respect and dignity.
In short, the white evangelical Christian faith tradition is antithetical to genuine Christianity. I am a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ, but I shun the evangelical label, and everything it represents.
I am not going to welcome white evangelicals back into the fold until they forsake their false Messiah, and once again embrace the humility, peace, and love of Jesus Christ.