It’s not surprising that a functional illiterate like Donald Trump has a penchant for using 4-letter words, you don’t have to consult a thesaurus when the stable genius is delivering a stump speech. Any middle school student can understand his speeches and appreciates his frequent use of profane language.
By all accounts Trump curses like a sailor on crack in private, and in public he can’t help himself from uttering obscenities, but lately his use of coarse language in public has increased, especially the use of “bullshit.”
During a recent speech to the National Association of Realtors in which Trump denied being in conflict with his advisers over Iran, he accused the media of making up sources for its reporting.
“There is no source, the person doesn’t exist, the person’s not alive. It’s bullshit, OK. It’s bullshit.”
The use of the swearword wasn’t s slip of the tongue, he repeated the epithet twice for emphasis.
There hasn’t been any outrage over Trump’s predilection for cursing from Republican leaders, even from ones who make a fetish out of “family values”.
Let me call bullshit on the hypocrisy of the GOP, can you imagine the outrage if President Barack Obama has uttered just one “bullshit” during a speech? The Republicans would have been all over him like white on rice; they would have accused him of demeaning the presidency and moral depravity. There would have been racially-tinged condemnations galore. I can imagine a Republican blowhard saying that you can take the boy out of the ghetto, but you can’t take the ghetto out of the boy, even though Obama has never lived in the inner city.
I call bullshit on the evangelicals condemnations of the corruption that they say emanates from Hollywood! Until they condemn their Orange Messiah for the filth that spews from his mouth, they can shut the fuc* up.