Donald Trump is the President of the United States and the Leader of the Free World. He’s a billionaire with a beautiful trophy wife, who spends most of his free time golfing in his golf resorts. He has millions of supporters who think his farts smell like expensive cologne and his illiterate and toxic tweets are akin to scripture.
You’d think he would be a happy and content man with a smile and a kind word for everyone he meets, but you’d be wrong. Trump is the whiner-in-chief, he’s not happy unless he’s complaining about something or someone. Trump whines about every perceived insult and has a ready insult for anyone unfortunate enough to cross paths with him.
Trump is the perfect president for the very imperfect white evangelicals who are in a constant state of aggrievement. White evangelicals have convinced themselves that they’re a persecuted minority, never mind that they live in a democracy where Christianity might as well be the state religion.
Instead of enjoying living in a country where they are free to practice their religion, and Judeo-Christian values are cherished, evangelicals constantly whine and complain that godless liberals are trying to ban Christmas, Mexican immigrants are taking away their jobs, and gays are trying to convert their children.
Trump sees himself as the Messiah of the white evangelicals, he argues that an attack against him is an attack against them, and he seeks to keep them in a constant state of agitation. He knows that the more his base is upset the more likely they are to go to the polls and vote for him.
Enough is enough! Let’s give Trump and his evangelical followers something to whine about, by voting him out of office in 2020.