I protect myself from contracting the coronavirus by practicing social distancing, wearing a mask in public and washing my hands thoroughly and frequently. I’m a senior citizen with several underlying medical conditions and it’s imperative that I take the threat seriously.
Donald Trump is more toxic and deadly than the COVID-19 virus and even someone like me who despises him and doesn’t believe a word he says, must socially distance himself for him to preserve his sanity.
In practical terms that means that I don’t follow the stable genius on Twitter nor do I read his tweets. Trump’s tweets aren’t informative, educational or inspiring, on the contrary they’re vulgar, divisive and disingenuous.
That also means I don’t watch the president’s propaganda arm, Fox News. They amplify Trump’s lies and justify his incoherent policies and repugnant behavior. I prefer to watch cable news networks that practice fact-based journalism and hold Trump accountable for his myriad mistakes and lies.
If I succumb to the coronavirus because I was lax in practicing social distancing and washing my hands frequently, I have only myself to blame. If I become infected with Trump’s xenophobia, racism, misogyny and just plain evil because I read his tweets and watched his fluffers on Fox News, I have only myself to blame.
For the love of God, until Trump is kicked to the curb on November, socially distance yourself from the toxic monster.