Donald Trump is an incontinent toddler with billions at his disposal to buy the glitziest and most expensive toys in the world; we’ve seen what his money can buy: limousines, mansions, private planes worth hundreds of millions …
But his favorite plaything is his Twitter machine: a perfect device for a lunatic with OCD. He can peck away with his disgusting little fingers on his smart phone at all hours of the day and night.
Nothing has brought more joy to the toddler-in-chief than his Twitter feed, he uses it to boast of his accomplishments, ridicule his enemies, and spread his message of racism and division.
Throughout his administration Trump has used Twitter to incite his base, and to intimidate reluctant Republicans into following his agenda.
Trump without Twitter is like a mobster without a gun, a televangelist without a Bible and an accountant without a calculator. After years of inciting violence and spreading hatred on his favorite social media platform, Twitter has finally banned Trump.
By all accounts Trump is boiling mad that his favorite toy has been taken away from him. He’s as irrational and angry as a toddler whose pacifier has been stripped from his mouth.
For the next 11 days until Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States, Trump is the most dangerous person in the world. Will he push the red button out of boredom or a desire to bring the world down with him? God only knows what this maniac will do.
If Trump possessed a shred of dignity and self-awareness, he would immediately resign for the good of the country. We all know that’s not going to happen, therefore is incumbent on Congress to impeach him and remove him from office.