Donald Trump’s daily coronavirus briefings are so chock full of self-aggrandizement, faux-science, berating of reporters and condemnation of politicians who don’t praise him sufficiently, that it’s easy to miss some of his outrageous comments.
For example, the stable genius joked about being “involved in” models during a coronavirus briefing. Trump’s inappropriate quip came while he was commenting on the number of people who would die from COVID-19:
“The models show hundreds of thousands of people are going to die and you know hat I want to do? I want to come way under the model. The professionals did the models and I was never involved in a model. At least this kind of a model.”
Only a commander-in-chief who is totally clueless about the gravity of the pandemic that has the possibility of killing hundred of thousands of Americans would make such a tasteless joke.
Trump has been involved with plenty of models, porn stars and Playboy bunnies, in fact his wife is a former model, but now isn’t the time to remind a worried public about his shallowness.
Even Mike Pence, who is an evangelical Christian, and who usually treats every bit of nonsense that emanates from Trump’s sphincter-shaped mouth as the Gospel failed to smile or nod in agreement at his vile joke.
This tasteless joke highlights the fact that it’s time for CNN and MSNBC stop airing Trump’s daily coronavirus briefings in their entirety, they should only air the highlights, namely the comments by Dr. Anthony Fauci.