Donald Trump is the most incompetent, ineffectual and clueless president in history and it comes as not surprise that he has botched his response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The stable genius default mode is to ignore an unpleasant reality, and at first, he ignored the coronavirus outbreak. After hundreds of thousands of people had returned from Wuhan, China, where the outbreak began Trump imposed limited travel restrictions on China.
After weeks of twiddling his thumbs on Twitter Trump finally appointed a coronavirus czar, the utterly unqualified Mike Pence, the same moron who botched the response to an HIV outbreak in Indiana when he was governor.
Trump believes he is an expert on every subject under the sun, he knows more about modern warfare than his generals and he knows more about addressing a pandemic than physicians and he’s not shy about sharing his knowledge on the subject. So, he spouts lies and nonsense such as coronavirus is no big deal, everyone who wants a test can get one and the virus has been contained.
Trump isn’t taking any special precautions himself and he continues to hold MAGA rallies, even though he is the poster boy, or should I say “poster old man” for the person must likely to succumb to the virus.
Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has been pathetic and his foolish rhetoric is likely to cause his supporters not to take any precautions and that’s going to get a lot of people killed.