Let’s be honest: the press are invited into roundtables & events on specific topics almost every day – and our guests have to “sit there” as they shout questions on subjects completely unrelated to the event at hand. As always, the hypocrisy here is stark.
Stephanie Grisham
Only political junkies are aware that Stephanie Grisham is the White House press secretary, considering she’s never held a single press briefing. That’s like a fire fighter who’s never put out a fire, or rescued a kitten stuck in a tree.
Donald Trump is the liar-in-chief, according to the Washington Post he has lied over 13,000 times since assuming office. All administration officials, and especially the White House press secretary whose job it is to spin Trump’s idiotic and nonsensical tweets and comments, are forced to lie in order to make him seem halfway rational.
No Trump administration official should ever preface his or her comments by saying, “Let’s be honest.” Honesty is a foreign concept to them, they wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them in the butt.
Let’s be honest, you have never invited the press to a White House press briefing and you should be ashamed to cash your paycheck.
Let’s be honest, your perpetually grouchy disposition makes the colicky Sarah Huckabee seem like Ms. Sunshine.
Let’s be honest indeed! Admit that Trump is a lying know-nothing buffoon, and you have the most thankless job in the world.