“Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed Wednesday that polls show his support among Black Americans has quadrupled or quintupled since his mug shot was released.”
This is just another lie from the pathological liar; the truth is that in polls taken after his mugshot was released his support in the black population has risen by only two or three percentage points.
Trump is under the delusion that since his booking photo was taken that blacks who are systematically and unfairly targeted by the criminal justice system will identify with him.
Yeah, right!
Trump monetized his mugshot to the tune of over 10 million dollars, but the average black ex-convict won’t be able to buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks with $2 and a copy of his mugshot.
Trump has posted his mugshot on Twitter, his own Truth Social media platform and just about every other popular social media platform because it will redound to his political benefit. But the last thing African Americans want to do is publicize their mugshot, it would only serve to kill any chances they have of finding a decent job.
I don’t understand why blacks or any other minorities would support a blatant racist who has discriminated against us when he was a real estate developer and when he was president.
As a Latino when I see Trump’s mugshot I don’t think “he’s just like one of us, another victim of the criminal justice system.” What I say to myself is: the criminal justice system is a joke! Only after decades of committing tax and real estate fraud, sexually assaulting women, and inciting an insurrection and trying to steal an election was he finally subjected to a mugshot.
Dream on Trump, your mugshot will only remind us of your criminality and motivate us to vote for Biden.