President Donald Trump visited Kenosha, against the advice of the governor of Wisconsin and most of the leaders of Kenosha. These political and religious leaders realized that empathy and goodwill aren’t in his skill set, and that his presence would only serve to inflame passions.
Trump used the backdrop of businesses destroyed by rioters to speak on his campaign theme of law and order. Needless to say, he didn’t visit Jacob Blake who is fighting for his life in the hospital to speak out on the black lives that have been destroyed by police brutality.
At a roundtable event on law enforcement and public safety, Trump took questions from reporters and ignored questions about racial inequality and harped on law and order.
There were only two African Americans seated at the roundtable, they were James and Sharon Ward, who said they were pastors for Julia Jackson, the mother of Jacob Blake.
When a reporter asked the Wards if they believed that police violence was a systemic issue, Trump interjected, “I don’t believe that. I think the police do a terrific job and I think they do have some bad apples.”
Trump prefers subservient blacks who don’t speak and only listen while he rambles incoherently, but he can’t drag Tim Scott and his big ass smile with him every time he holds a press conference.
When the racist-in-chief was specifically asked whether he thinks systemic racism is a problem in the United States, he once again turned back the conversation to law and order answering, “Well, you know you just keep getting back to the opposite subject. We should talk about the kind of violence we’ve seen in Portland and here and other places.”
Trump doesn’t care about addressing the racial tensions that are tearing our country apart, and he ignores the millions who protest against police brutality in a peaceful way, and zeroes in on the few who use these demonstrations as an excuse to riot, and commit acts of violence.
Trump is a racist, plain and simple, and he only cares about harping on the issues like law and order that resonate with his racist base. He will never change, and his Kenosha visit only reminds us that we need to make real change by electing Joe Biden the President of the United States.